MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

If FSU and Clemson leave before we do that would hurt our chances of having 8 teams step up and dissolve the league by leaving at the same time right.

Doesn’t seem ideal
Yes ... if they leave and we don't then there are 13 voting programs left (including ND) so the new "majority vote number" would be 7, unless SMU and Stanford are added, then we're back to 15 members with an 8 team vote to leave ... that will be much harder to get.

"Radakovic stated the need to try to make the conference as strong as can be. Four Miami players spoke after practice on Tuesday.

Radakovich discussed that Florida State is doing what they feel they need to do. The grant of rights that runs through 2036 is one aspect that Radakovich believes is the best course of action in keeping the ACC together. The ACC is the last of the Power Conferences not impacted in the latest round of realignment."

Hey wasn't there a pretty astute poster on this site who pointed out that Rad endorsed and signed the GOR precisely to keep teams from leaving the ACC - so it makes no logical sense, plus it's kinda humiliating, for him to suddenly do a 180 and say the GOR was terrible and UM needs to get out of the ACC?

Tea Time Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon
I'm real curious to see how Washington and Oregon fare in the big. They basically have $30mm per year for the next 8 years. Travel out the ying yang and have to try to win the second best conference in the country. Honestly I'm glad I'm not them. I think they rot in that league. Just my opinion for anyone looking for the negatives to this thing.
I'm real curious to see how Washington and Oregon fare in the big. They basically have $30mm per year for the next 8 years. Travel out the ying yang and have to try to win the second best conference in the country. Honestly I'm glad I'm not them. I think they rot in that league. Just my opinion for anyone looking for the negatives to this thing.

Rotting in the P2 is infinitely better than being a part of the new Group of 8
Yes ... if they leave and we don't then there are 13 voting programs left (including ND) so the new "majority vote number" would be 7, unless SMU and Stanford are added, then we're back to 15 members with an 8 team vote to leave ... that will be much harder to get.
Sorry, but wouldn’t Clemson and FSU leaving help get the ball rolling for us to move? If they moved to the SEC I think this would help clear a path for us in the BIG. I’d believe we’d like the Oregon/Washington of the ACC and would essentially be next in line for relocation.

If Clemson/FSU bolt, that’s going to sound the alarms for other ACC schools on the dissolution fence to act. That’s when the inevitable fall of the ACC begins and everyone fights for a life boat. There’s no way in heck Stanford or Cal are joining the ACC so the remaining 13 schools can either find a life boat, or wait around playing each other until the ACC is officially dead. Unlike the Big 12, there is no one the ACC can add to save what would be a failing league. The Big 12 would be in position to take the remnants of whoever the BIG/SEC don’t want.

"Radakovic stated the need to try to make the conference as strong as can be. Four Miami players spoke after practice on Tuesday.

Radakovich discussed that Florida State is doing what they feel they need to do. The grant of rights that runs through 2036 is one aspect that Radakovich believes is the best course of action in keeping the ACC together. The ACC is the last of the Power Conferences not impacted in the latest round of realignment."

Hey wasn't there a pretty astute poster on this site who pointed out that Rad endorsed and signed the GOR precisely to keep teams from leaving the ACC - so it makes no logical sense, plus it's kinda humiliating, for him to suddenly do a 180 and say the GOR was terrible and UM needs to get out of the ACC?

Tea Time Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon
Lol. I thought the two insiders with plugged in law firm information convinced everyone that (1) they knew the amazing legal theories needed to break an irrevocable assignment and (2) that FSU and Miami were announcing to leave before August 15?

Still waiting.
Rotting in the P2 is infinitely better than being a part of the new Group of 8
Not saying a full share may not ease the pain and allow us to pay coaches and recruits however I truly believe THOSE guys have buyers remorse really quickly. They lost most of their rivals including their biggest one, the rest of the athletic department is blown up and they get to go to Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa on a regular basis. What a joy.
Sorry, but wouldn’t Clemson and FSU leaving help get the ball rolling for us to move? If they moved to the SEC I think this would help clear a path for us in the BIG. I’d believe we’d like the Oregon/Washington of the ACC and would essentially be next in line for relocation.

If Clemson/FSU bolt, that’s going to sound the alarms for other ACC schools on the dissolution fence to act. That’s when the inevitable fall of the ACC begins and everyone fights for a life boat. There’s no way in heck Stanford or Cal are joining the ACC so the remaining 13 schools can either find a life boat, or wait around playing each other until the ACC is officially dead. Unlike the Big 12, there is no one the ACC can add to save what would be a failing league. The Big 12 would be in position to take the remnants of whoever the BIG/SEC don’t want.
Clemson / FSU leaving would help IF they moved due to having a negotiated GOR buyback that was in turn publicized and was one that Miami and others could use to follow suit. i.e. a negotiated $300M paid out over 10 years. If they simply leave, paying the $120M exit fee, and LITIGATE the GOR then, unless we already have 8 votes to dissolve the ACC and we all leave, or we leave on the same terms ... if we have a home. That right now is the ??
lol you're so full of ****. Again provide proof or shut the **** up with that mischaracterization of what I've been saying.. Oregon and Washington ARE better than GTech and UVA. I mean that is obvious. The ONLY thing UVA and GTech have over Oregon, is Oregon had zero leverage because it was Big10 or bust, whereas UVA and GTech definitely fit in the SEC. I mean UVA and GTech are better academics than Oregon by far, so theres that I guess. So Big10 could have slow played Oregon and Washington which is what I thought they were going to do, and it clearly was what their plan was.

Whast even is your argument about? Are you mad that I think Oregon, Washington, Stanford and to a lesser extent Cal would be Good Big10 fits? Like I really don't even get it. I've also said I think TCU could be a fit eventually (assuming Big10 can't get like Texas or A&M) because I think they'd definitely want to enter the Texas market. You gunna be angry about that too.

Before the partial share stuff began being discussed I had not been saying Stanford and Cal, because they aren't deserving of full shares. I've also been pretty clear I don't think UVA/GTech are either. It's not like I've been changing what my opinions on these programs and their fits. The thing that has changed is timing + partial shares. So yes, I'm going to keep thinking Stanford is worth a BIG10 invite as a partial share.

You are a liar. Flat out liar. You want to challenge me to pull receipts...OK...that will not end well for you.

Go back to your posts from around May 15th. I realize that was 300 pages ago, but it's there. You were NOT arguing that Oregon-Washington were "better that GaTech/UVa", you were arguing that Oregon-Washington were worth more than half the Big 10, as well as UNC and VaTech and deserved to get a Big 10 invitation (which, AT THAT TIME, would have been full-share). I realize you "later" acknowledged that Oregon/Washington might make it in if the Big 10 went to 24 or 32 teams, but that was after I mocked you.

Here is just ONE of your many pro-Oregon/Washington rants from 3 months ago.

But, sure, I just imagined this all...

Maybe i don't fully understand it but he's how I understand it.

We signed our media rights to the ACC.
ESPN bought those right so now essentially they own the rights.
They could "give them back to us" in exchange for some media from the B1G/Fox etc to get their foot in the door.

B1G gets Miami.
Miami gets out of GOR
ESPN gets extra broadcasting rights from B1G

Technically, we would not be "out of GOR". It would just be "under new management".

But otherwise, fairly straightforward and accurate.
The problem with "our understanding" is that it isn't black and white there is a ton of grey area. ESPN has the rights to broadcast to generate revenue for ACCN ... but then they also have the obligation to pay THE CONFERENCE not the individual members. I believe it is going to take a negotiated settlement with the ACC / ESPN for any individual program regarding "buyback or movement of GOR rights".

All technically true.

But if the ACC loses its top 4-6 teams, then ESPN is going to invoke the clause that covers whether a "new ACC" has the same value as the "old ACC", so let's not try to convince ourselves that the ACC will get anywhere near the same money without the best teams.

But you are correct, a negotiated settlement has the potential to make everyone "75% satisfied". Nobody will get everything they want, but FIRST, someone has to take the first step.
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To some degree absolutely. That being said IMO with the 12 team playoff and the format of that not necessarily the end of the world. In the 4 team era it would've been a death sentence.
I heard the playoff expansion has a chance of being postponed til 2025, this from someone that recently had a CFB meeting at NBC Sports.

Would make sense pushing it back one year while conferences get re-aligned and the Big 2 wanting more teams represented.
This is not a criticism of the informed folks who give us info, as this was changing hour to hour, but this is feeling more and more like a recruitment that only Miami fans think we are winning, and then when the guy commits we are surprised when we are not even in the top 3.
Until @TheOriginalCane , @Cribby or @Hurracanes say we are not leaving the ACC for the Big 10, I feel confident we will be in the Big 10 no later than 2025.
All technically true.

But if the ACC loses its top 4-6 teams, then ESPN is going to invoke the clause that covers whether a "new ACC" has the same value as the "old ACC", so let's not try to convince ourselves that the ACC will get anywhere near the same money without the beest teams.

But you are correct, a negotiated settlement has the potential to make everyone "75% satisfied". Nobody will get everything they want, but FIRST, someone has to take the first step.

Are you privy as to which firms are representing the ACC regarding TV discussions?

I started researching the players involved with the Big12 deal since that was jointly done with Fox and ESPN.

Looking for clues based on the backgrounds of the decision makers at the table
