MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

As Athletic Director, Rad’s entire career has been at ACC schools: Georgia Tech, Clemson, and Miami. Prior to that he spent five years at LSU as Senior Associate AD. This isn‘t meant as a criticism, just noting his ACC-lean.

if miami is left out, then I dont see the ACC getting disbanded honestly.
Question is who is left? If ACC remains without FSU and Clemson and the GOR stays in place, I wonder if every school just gets a nice little raise?
Basically, Miami HAS to perform well this season and look like we're on our way back to being **** or it might be too late. Thank you to Donna Shalala and all of the other horrible UM leaders since they let Butch leave. THE premiere college football program of the 80's is in danger of permanently becoming irrelevant.

Whether or not UCF won the natty and regardless of the final score of the TCU Georgia game, those programs did compete at the highest level. And they competed at that level more recently (and in TCU’s case, more consistently) than UM has in a long time.

By your rationale, we should be relegated down to the lower division.
2022 TCU wouldn't even qualify in your argument because they won a power 5 conference.

As for your second point, If Miami was consistently at the bottom of the ACC standings they probably should be relegated to the lower tier. But they haven't been at the bottom of the ACC. They've only had a losing conference record in 5 of their 18 seasons.

The facts are, despite occasional G5 teams having nice runs, their overall record vs p5 conferences is terrible.

The AAC which is probably the top G5 conference, has a .319 win percentage vs P5
Conference USA- .181
Mountain West-.291
Sun Belt - .276

That's an all time win % of .217

But wait, isn't the gap shrinking? aren't G5 teams generally better now than years ago?

Over the last 20 years, their win percentage vs the P5 is.189
over the last 10 - .182
over the last 5 - .168

The gap is only getting bigger and it's pretty much due to the fact that even middle of the road P5 programs have WAY more money to spend on athletics than even the most successful G5 teams.

There's a handful of G5 teams that you could make an argument to join the big leagues but they rarely have long periods of sustained success. And even then it's just success against other G5 programs.
BIG change in tune of the people I talk to and their outlook for Miami in all of this in the last week. Originally it appeared Miami was leading the pack in leaving the ACC. Also, I was told months ago by 1 person that if the B1G shifted to Oregon and Washington it would put the nail in Miami's coffin and right around then it all changed. I don't know why that is or why that was the caveat.

I'm very concerned.

Edit: Not even the last week. The last 3 days
Yeah, our fans need to realize theres a very good chance we'll be staying in the ACC. It's unfortunate but it's more likely then not because our admin is still dumpster juice. Until proven otherwise.
Maybe I’m wrong but for this kind of movements you need months (if not years) of preparation. You don’t ”change tune” or flip-flop in the last three days, it’s not Cormani McClain recruitment.

Both are very complicated… tough for layman to understand… per the experts

Things haven’t been the same since the loafer picture…
I don't see the percentages in theB1G giving ND a scheduling agreement. Without it they don't get a big tv deal and they either join a conference or play army, Navy etc every year and their ratings go in the crapper
Nah ... everybody still wants to schedule them ... they bring too many viewers in the USA and even internationally.
And just for the record, if it’s going to be Big 12 at last we will be forced to switch to the full Mike Leach/Hal Mumme Air Raid Offense. Silver lining.
Concerning, but a lot of the time those types aren’t as in the loop as they think.
He told me that but it's been reciprocated by others ever since. Only difference is they're not directly pointing at Oregon and Washington being the cause... they think it may be more of a result of what is going on with Miami or the ACC in general as to why they pivoted to those schools.