MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I just don’t trust them. They’re like the Tobacco Road Boys on steroids.
Excellent point there. But it would ease the pain if UNC follows us to the SEC and loses all the favoritism and nepotism and have to scratch for everything they get since they're no longer the golden child. Not saying it would be worth it, but it would ease the pain.

I really don't like either option.

I want no part of cold weather games in the B10 and we'd switch from being the red-headed step child in the ACC to the red-headed step child with freckles in the SEC. Would that much change?
Last I saw Darius Kasparaitis was actually slated to be our coach. This may have been like 2 years ago though.

Kaspar The Angry Ghost!
Some other scenarios for B10 and SEC.....

Florida would begrudgingly accept Miami going to the SEC for a fat check. But there's no way the Gators would accept being in the same division as Miami, let alone being in the same division as both Miami and FSU.
These loose partnership have to stop. ACC, BIG12 and PAC12 had alliance, but we see how that turned out. ND still have ACC waiting at the alter
I am not saying that I am a fan or that it would even work well, but I imagine if they were to do this, even if it was 'loose' that there would be some type of contract that would need to be signed between the conferences and ESPN. 'The Alliance' was basically just a temper tantrum by the non SEC schools to protest what the SEC did, but there was no binding agreement as was seen when the Big10 raided the PAC12.
If this is the ACC response to the Big 10, they might as well pack it up and head home. No way in **** should we go for this.
Don’t think we will be accepting anything like this. Expect the ACC to thrash around looking for someone save them regardless.
You saw Saban crying about aTm’s recruiting - and his school has been one of the worst under the table bag schools. You saw the gator cry about Rashada and the non-stop attacks they’ve made on Ruiz as if he’s a criminal when the reality is, he’s following the law, their collectives aren’t.

We just took Mauigoa, we may take Wayne in the next week, maybe Aguero… UiF bagged Marshall from us pre-NIL. Now they’re getting ***** slapped by us… and we’re gonna take more from them, Bama and UGA.

There’s no way in **** these fine Southern Gentlemen are gonna be cool with it. Lol. They care about themselves first and they will use whatever means they can, overt and covert, to even up any advantages we gain.

They’re not looking at it as Miami is the top team this is great. They want to keep what advantages they’ve had and put us in check so that we compete with the pack but not run it.

And I agree that the SEC makes sense geographically. I think in the SEC - if not put in check - our recruiting could become insanely great. Like they no longer have that SEC SEC SEC argument and we’d be better exposed to their high school players who would be more receptive to us. I just don’t trust them. They’re like the Tobacco Road Boys on steroids.

I think we go there most likely and I just pray that my fears are unfounded and the positive minded people here like you and @Bender are correct and the doomsdayers like @CaneThang2020 , @WaterburyCane , @Liberty City El , @wspcane and I are wrong.
It’s not just recruiting to worry about.

Miami’s defense will never, ever, not even once… benefit from an offensive holding call.

In an infinite universe, everything has a non-zero chance of happening…. Except an SEC member Miami team benefiting from a timely holding call.
I hate this so much and hope we block anything like this if it ever became serious. I hate it on its merit and it annoys me even more that the acc would be ok with the championship game being in Las Vegas. Why not Jerry World and make it a more centralized location.
I think this is the ACC and PAC doing anything they can to save face and keep from folding AFTER the dust settles.

Miami/Clemson to the SEC will be announced before the start of the season, and some combination of FSU/UNC/VT/UVA not long after.

Reports of PAC teams exploring the B1G 10/12 so I expect them to lose more teams as well.

Whether a full-out merger occurs or a scheduling agreement happens, the PAC and ACC will need each other to maintain some sort of relevancy.
IMHO this isn't a BIG 10 VS SEC battle, this is a ESPN/Disney vs New Fox battle. As someone who has worked for both company's I can tell you that post merger "New Fox" needs live sports more than anything else and the Murdoch's will over spend for them, hence USC/UCLA move. But subscriber growth of ESPN+ is also critical to Disney so they are in the strange position of potentially killing a sweetheart deal (ACC Rights) to improve another deal (SEC Rights).

What could make this really entertaining is if CBS or a new entity (Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) decides to get in the game and try to make Big 12 or Pac 12 carcass relevant. Considering CBS owns 247 and March Madness seems weird they've completely given up the fight in college football.

The business machinations of the future of televised sports are fascinating to me. I think our Canes are positioned well thanks to Rad, Cristobal, Frenk etc.

If I had to bet ESPN won't let go of Canes rights as they've already seen the power and potential of the brand.