I’ve said many times, ND has a very pious & pompous view of themselves. They love being the big fish in a small pond, regardless if it hurts them in various ways.
When most athletics were w/ Russell, ND chose Champion. When most athletics went Nike or Reebok, ND chose Adidas.
When most athletics went Nike or Adidas, ND chose UA
When most athletics went from Ind to a conference, ND chose to stay Ind.
This is their mantra; they need to feel this self importance which is y despite what happened w/ O$U, ND will always be my most hated, tied w/ UF. It boggles my mind they have an opportunity to step into the 21st century, & they r being dogmatic in trying to say Independent, EVEN if they lose an extra $75m-$100m over a 10 yr period in the process. That’s asinine to me, but that’s what ND does.
I hope it all backfires in their face & they r forced to come off that high horse.