MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The FSU board chair, the AD and FSU's big-money athletic boosters are clearly driving their bus when it comes to choosing a sports conference

Makes a helluva lot more sense than having an egghead president making sports decisions based on academic criteria.

The president can follow the lead of the sports people and cast the official vote and that should be his role.

Don't we want DanRad and big-time boosters who are all-in on sports deciding our conference affiliation as opposed to a public health expert who may not know the lay of the land in big-time College Athletics?
Frenk will simply rubber stamp the recommendation of Radakovich / BOT. There is debate on every board re which conference is "the best" for UM. I personally believe the B10 is where Miami belongs. That national conference is eventually going to dominate national broadcast viewership and will be edging out the SEC for elite recruits. In addition, then you have the financial benefit via potentially increased federal research funding to the University ... and that could dwarf the media payout from the conference. Makes so much sense for the University of Miami to become part of a dominant NATIONAL athletic and academic / research conference instead of a smaller sports oriented regional conference. Think BIG.
What’s eerie is how pointless inconsequential tweets like this are.
Chris Paul Lol GIF by ESPN

(Kinda agree tbh)
Yea, I actually love this breakdown and pods if it goes to 24. I am sure ND would not like it.
Agreed. Our pod would essentially be an amalgamation of our entire history. You have independent, Big East, and ACC era flavor in there for us.
You bring up a very important dichotomy about today's colleges with big time athletic programs.

At the end of the day, who is the most important voice at the University?

Chancellor/President or Athletic Director?

Herbivores or Carnivores?

Yeah, the conventional wisdom from the media "covering" realignment is that presidents make these decisions and that's that.

But that seems like a pretty near-sighted view.

Most university presidents at top level FBS schools are hired guns who leave once they've either worn out their welcome or tired of the bull****.

Big-money boosters — those who kick in money for facilities, coach buyouts and player acquisition and retention — are far more invested (financially and emotionally) in the success of the university's sports teams.

The two greatest skills an athletic director can have are the ability to hire good coaches and the skill to manage and direct the involvement of rich boosters in the appropriate direction
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Frenk will simply rubber stamp the recommendation of Radakovich / BOT. There is debate on every board re which conference is "the best" for UM. I personally believe the B10 is where Miami belongs. That national conference is eventually going to dominate national broadcast viewership and will be edging out the SEC for elite recruits. In addition, then you have the financial benefit via potentially increased federal research funding to the University ... and that could dwarf the media payout from the conference. Makes so much sense for the University of Miami to become part of a dominant NATIONAL athletic and academic / research conference instead of a smaller sports oriented regional conference. Think BIG.
Frenk's entire American graduate level education took place at Michigan. His career in academia in the northeast/New England. IF he expresses his druthers at all on this front, it certainly won't be based on him having any ability to relate to let alone prefer the SEC.

But I believe you're essentially correct. Rad and elements of the BoT will drive/have driven this and Frenk will defer to them after getting Fernandez and Echevarria to give the green light.
Frenk will simply rubber stamp the recommendation of Radakovich / BOT. There is debate on every board re which conference is "the best" for UM. I personally believe the B10 is where Miami belongs. That national conference is eventually going to dominate national broadcast viewership and will be edging out the SEC for elite recruits. In addition, then you have the financial benefit via potentially increased federal research funding to the University ... and that could dwarf the media payout from the conference. Makes so much sense for the University of Miami to become part of a dominant NATIONAL athletic and academic / research conference instead of a smaller sports oriented regional conference. Think BIG.

Good post, although I think you might be reaching on the statement in bold.

Considering the likely recruiting footprint of both conferences, it's a little like suggesting Europe will have a better oil supply than Saudi Arabia.

Regardless and repeating myself here: I prefer the SEC for UM, but the B1G would be fantastic as well.

All is well if/when we relocate to one of those two conferences
Rad knows that the ACC can't do ANYTHING to even come close to closing the revenue gap. And it's only going to get bigger.

Everyone was expecting Rad to act like a big time AD when it came to baseball, yet he ended up acting exactly like Blake James by hiring JD Arteaga. It was a f#cking awful and lazy hire. So Rads stock is waaay down with me - I'm not willing to assume Rad is playing secret 3D chess with realignment anymore.
Everyone was expecting Rad to act like a big time AD when it came to baseball, yet he ended up acting exactly like Blake James by hiring JD Arteaga. It was a f#cking awful and lazy hire. So Rads stock is waaay down with me - I'm not willing to assume Rad is playing secret 3D chess with realignment anymore.

That's a more than fair assessment.

Of course not getting Miami into either the SEC or the B1G would be an epic disaster likely to have negative repercussions for a very long time

Right now, DanRad is literally on the "you've got one job to do" track

My one trick pony wins 100% of the time so no need to diversify. To paraphrase Warren Buffett, diversification is for people who don't know what they are doing.

You can downvote me all day long but I'm batting 1.000 when it comes to predicting the way UM has, an[BGCOLOR=initial]d continues to, operate. Everything runs on nepotism and cronyism. Virtually nothing has to do with what is best for the university. So if the people in charge have a vested interest (money, influence) in remaining in the acc, I believe that's what they are going to push for. [/BGCOLOR]
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Yea, I actually love this breakdown and pods if it goes to 24. I am sure ND would not like it.
ND isn't joining the conference to be in that **** Pod. If they agree to join it will only be to be in a pod to play Michigan and Michigan St. regularly again. They aren't joining to play those 5 teams every year. Switch ND and Purdue with Illinois and Northwestern and that makes more sense. And, potentially a request for USC to be a designated rival to play every year.
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...[BGCOLOR=initial] So if the people in charge have a vested interest (money, influence) in remaining in the acc, I believe that's what they are going to push for. [/BGCOLOR]

That's a frightening thought, mi amigo.

If we're not even with or right behind FSU and Clemson when they bolt this third-rate conference, than we might as well apply to rejoin the Big East.

Gotta think the "people in charge" are are at least aware of how untenable an even more watered-down ACC would be, right? 🙏
My one trick pony wins 100% of the time so no need to diversify. To paraphrase Warren Buffett, diversification is for people who don't know what they are doing.

You can downvote me all day long but I'm batting 1.000 when it comes to predicting the way UM has, an[BGCOLOR=initial]d continues to, operate. Everything runs on nepotism and cronyism. Virtually nothing has to do with what is best for the university. So if the people in charge have a vested interest (money, influence) in remaining in the acc, I believe that's what they are going to push for. [/BGCOLOR]

Are you on drugs?

What person at UM has a vested interest in staying in the ACC?