MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Not sure if this is even true but if it is it makes sense. Miami JUST started spending money so the benefits of that haven't been felt yet obviously.

Graphic is based on 2022 data.

Also, we see why FSU's AD has been saber rattling. These graphics bring validity to them crying poverty, especially when you see how far behind us, they are.


Where ya at FSU???

Even USF got in before y’all bum-*** *******


Transposition error on the "offcial" application?

Probably something to do with their med school? I've always heard its the best med school in Florida, and looks like its the 23rd hardest to get into in the country, right behind UCSF and USC, to put things in perspective.

They've had a med school since 1971, and unlike UF/Shands, it's in a big city.

As for "getting in", a lot of that has to do with number of openings and the overall population. But still, good for them.
I knew about Miami, but I don't have any knowledge on ND. I suspected that it could happen for ND though.

The one that took my by surprise was definitely USF.
Had a family member attend USF for grad school and it turns out that it's a legit academic institution. Their acceptance into the elite academic club makes sense to me.
Yeah the word "dissolution" only appears in the Dissolution Clause I showed.
Nothing says HOW the conference actually gets dissolved.
But like you say, the absolute 2/3rds and absolute 3/4ths have EXACT circumstances when they are required, thus everything else would only require the majority if a 2/3rd quorum is present...

I'm not a lawyer at all, so not sure what it would take to dissolve a conference given this constitution/bylaws I linked...

**** that would be as boring as the ACC.