MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

As a Northwestern grad I follow the NU boards too. There's a poster there who is close to the B1G dealings/negotiations.
He had some things to say regarding the role of academics (AAU), and also that ND is trying to block Miami out.

**** Notre Dame

It’s a **** shame. Miami-FSU is an historic rivalry that needs to be maintained at all hazards. However, the Administration is at a point where they’ve got to look out for #1 or they’ll be left behind. Rad has no choice but to move before Notre Dame does. And he can’t afford to bring FSU along.
Things change, let’s make new rivalries.. besides, we can play them every 4-5 years when they are not too scared to schedule us like the gates lol
The great thing about this is we all have our preferences. I prefer the BIG. You are paying at worse 3 games in cold weather, lets not forget we have games at home during the cold season. It's still freaking hot in October. I think we will be treated better in the BIG. And I think we would dominate the BIG. We could win in the SEC but I see tons of obstacles being directly placed in our way by the good ole boys.

I actually do think we end up in the SEC though. Probably better for the other non revenue sports in the end.
He’s not wrong on the first part. The second is complicated. We haven’t held up our end of the bargain since joining, but the ACC has also screwed us repeatedly. More importantly, ACC leadership made so many **** poor decisions that led to this point. Absolutely zero vision or foresight, short of this idiotic grant of rights deal that every AD (including DRad), signed off on.

I do have some confidence that he has been at least informally in contact with counsel since the day that thing was signed, given Clemson’s spot over the time. He very clearly didn’t wake up last week and say we need to review this language and look around, and candidly, I’m sure it was in the financial calculations when they decided to make this investment.
As a Northwestern grad I follow the NU boards too. There's a poster there who is close to the B1G dealings/negotiations.
He had some things to say regarding the role of academics (AAU), and also that ND is trying to block Miami out.

That is not good as the B1G seems like they will do whatever ND wants to get them. I’d rather be in SEC but I’d most want to be able to go to either one (in case SEC tries to kill Miami.
I’m worried B1G will take:
ND, Stanford, Oregon, UNC
And SEC take:
FSU, Clemson, UVA, and one more (pray pray pray it’s us). Could be NCSU though.
I know we hate on FSU, but I really can't see them not being a priority add. I mean FSU brings more to the table athletically than UCLA imo and I don't even think it's really up for debate tbh. At the minimum they are even - and the B10 just went out and got them, even if one of the reasons was being a "travel buddy" - you could do the same with Miami + FSU if they went B10... I really wouldn't be worried about not playing FSU though. Think of it like this if FSU joined the SEC, they'd play UF yearly in conference, and then could play us OOC yearly. And if They go B10, we'd 100% get them as a rival, and they'd still play UF yearly OOC...

Like (in no order) Oregon, Washington, Miami, Clemson, FSU, ND, UNC imo are the clear cut top available.

Then it's like VTech, Duke, Stanford, Utah, and like TCU, Texas Tech, WVU, and Oklahoma State out of the B12..

After that you're talking the UVAs, Louisvilles, ASU, GTech, Pitt, Cal, NCState.

But some of those schools likely are only desirable to one conference - like Stanford/Cal to the B10 possibly just so they can solidify their Academics + California media market. And like UVA, Duke, and UNC are probably pretty desirable as a package together.

UCLA is a premier, prestigious institution with an international brand located in one of the biggest TV markets in the world, who also make the USC add somewhat more feasible.

FSU is a circus-themed laughingstock of a school located in Tallahassee, FL, an inconsequential media market which most people couldn't find on a map. Right now FSU is really down and it's becoming hard to see an easy way out for them. They aren't coming from a strong position right now, they are in need of a rescue.
UCLA is a premier, prestigious institution with an International brand located in one of the biggest TV markets in the world, who also make the USC add somewhat more feasible.

FSU is a circus-themed laughingstock of a school located in Tallahassee, FL, an inconsequential media market which most people couldn't find on a map. Right now FSU is really down and it's becoming hard to see an easy way out for them. They aren't coming from a strong position right now, they are in need of a rescue.
And the truth is the nostalgia of the UM/FSU rivalry really doesn’t mean zilch to the pure profit motivations of the realignment right now. They are in dire risk of being left behind, and I honestly have no qualms about it. ***** that hick program.

Future of Florida CFB is Miami, Florida, and UCF.
We couldn’t ask for a better group to guide us through this mess; Mario, Rad, and Alonzo. One way or the other, our exit is inevitable. When all is said and done I think we end up in the Big 10. The Big is a better academic and cultural fit for us, and the Gators will never let us into the SEC.
Rahd the Impaler appears to be the key player for ACC matters.

Good luck Boston College!!!!

I would rather go to the SEC. Do you want to be playing Big 10 teams on the road in November? Too much chance of nasty cold and even snowy weather.

When the musical chairs stops, it'll basically be AFC/NFC. It won't matter what conference you're in unless you're stuck in the Big 12 (which looks like it'll be the Big 32 at this point).
yes. And the AD at Clemson now is a guy who worked for him for years. His protege of sorts.

I just don’t see what Clemson does for the BIG conference? I know they have a recent tradition in winning football games, and I know they have committed alumni and a great game day presents.

But their academics leave a lot on the table, they’re more traditional SEC, and they’re not known for much other than football. There’s no good national market opportunity. And who knows what happens once Dabo moves on.
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I'll buy you a pair of earmuffs.
earmuffs not listening GIF
Would love to see Hard Rock stadium hosting: Bama, LSU, UF, OU, Tex, Tenn, UGA, Auburn.

Would see a bump in fan turnout vs. GT, UNC, Duke, and now BC.