MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Does your wife have a sister? Cause I might have married her. :)

Let me know if you ever meet a woman who isn't that way? ;)

I think it's 5-6 that would land in a better place. Not enough. But maybe I am wrong and there are enough. The ACC would have to pre-engineer a superior landing spot for however many schools it would take to break this ***** up, and rock CFB with one swing of the sword, with nearly every other conference in on it. Is it eight that is needed to want to break it up, a majority? Or do they need a super-majority like 75%? I do not know the details.

The ACC clearly has kept a tight lid on the GoR, but a simple majority vote — 8 schools in a 14-team league (or 15 counting the leprechauns) — is supposedly enough to dissolve the conference.

Think ACC eight move-ups is certainly possible because I feel like we're gonna end up with three 24-team super conferences: B1G (FOX in charge); SEC (ESPN) and a re-branded Big XII (ESPN and FOX) that will take in the Pac-12 and SEC leftovers.

If the SEC goes from 16 to 24 it reasons that ESPN would try to lock down the following from the ACC:

2. fsu
3. Clemson
4. UNC
5. UVA
7. VT
8. GT or Duke (or maybe both if Mizzou leaves for the B1G)

Could see the eggheads in charge at UNC, UVA and Duke getting a little squirrely about joining the SEC, but I don't see ESPN helping faciltate a major move without assurances the Heels, Hoos and Dook aren't going to the B1G.

The B1G and FOX want Notre Dame so badly, they may well hold off on seriously pursuing UNC, UVA and Duke as a trade-off for freeing up the Irish

Keep it quiet, then boom. You don’t telegraph your punches like that.

For Oklahoma, Texas, USC and UCLA, the goal was simply to let the SEC or B1G get the votes lined up and paperwork finished so it was a done deal when word got out.

FSU and Clemson (and hopefully us soon) need to go another route because of the ridiculously long GoR.

The saber-rattling we saw the last few days was orchestrated to increase the feeling of instability among ACC schools wrt to the conference's future.

Neither the ACC office nor the conference have-nots want to see the league drawn into a messy, expensive and very public legal battle — regardless of how many experts insist the GoR is unbreakable
Let me know if you ever meet a woman who isn't that way? ;)

The ACC clearly has kept a tight lid on the GoR, but a simple majority vote — 8 schools in a 14-team league (or 15 counting the leprechauns) — is supposedly enough to dissolve the conference.

Think ACC eight move-ups is certainly possible because I feel like we're gonna end up with three 24-team super conferences: B1G (FOX in charge); SEC (ESPN) and a re-branded Big XII (ESPN and FOX) that will take in the Pac-12 and SEC leftovers.

If the SEC goes from 16 to 24 it reasons that ESPN would try to lock down the following from the ACC:

2. fsu
3. Clemson
4. UNC
5. UVA
7. VT
8. GT or Duke (or maybe both if Mizzou leaves for the B1G)

Could see the eggheads in charge at UNC, UVA and Duke getting a little squirrely about joining the SEC, but I don't see ESPN helping faciltate a major move without assurances the Heels, Hoos and Dook aren't going to the B1G.

The B1G and FOX want Notre Dame so badly, they may well hold off on seriously pursuing UNC, UVA and Duke as a trade-off for freeing up the Irish
I don't see a way that a major conference values either Duke or GT as anything but an albatross, financially. Trash football and the money around it, and that's 90% of the equation. That's a wish-sandwich in my eyes. And I am not fully convinced that VT and NCST will be ok, either, that they will be perceived as adding anything to the Big 12 except dilution and a smaller piece of the pie for the other conference schools. As I illustrated (as my opinion), it's going to come down to those schools in the middle and how they are valued, and I'm less optimistic about them than you.
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That headline alone will scare the SEC.
It should. I hope this is the case and SEC softens their position with us. Unfortnately, Miami has not positioned itself to be in high demand because of nearly two decades of an incompetent and cheap administration. Thank god all that changed last year.
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I don't care how it happens, but it absolutely needs to. As stated by others countless times, Miami will never be a priority for the ACC. I personally don't think the SEC would do us any favors either as we'd be somewhere in the neighborhood of 7-8 in terms of their priority schools behind UGA, Bama, LSU, Tenn, UF, A&M, and probably Auburn as well. Not to mention if Clemson and FSU go as well, I could see them being priority over us as well. We would get the recruiting boost by "being in the SEC" and the additional revenue of the conference but that's really it. B10 is the direction I hope we go as I think we may get a bit more of the preferential treatment to get a FL school in the mix on their end, opening up viewership to a new market as well as adding a recognizable brand and name to the conference. Either way, literally any other conference would be better for us than the ACC that will just keep sucking at the teet of the tobacco road schools.
It should. I hope this is the case and SEC softens their position with us. Unfortnately, Miami has not positioned itself to be in high demand because of nearly two decades of an incompetent and cheap administration. Thank god all that changed last year.
I'm surprised they're blind to the brand Miami can be with the right resources and commitment. Or they're scared?

Either way, they'd be dumb to let the B1G into Florida without a fight. Right now the SEC owns Florida but giving the B1G access to Miami and FSU without a fight would be the definition of cutting their nose to spite their face.
FSU is posturing. As another poster said in a different thread, there’s no way they roll the dice and end up with a $300 mil bill to leave the ACC.

The real way to do it is how OU/UT and USC/UCLA did it. Keep it quiet, then boom. You don’t telegraph your punches like that.
You do in this situation. You do it when other schools are on the fence and you want to make noise and show this isn’t a game. Maybe it’s a bit desperate, but it’s significant nonetheless and there’s smoke.

OU/Texas and USC/UCLA are in different boats. None of them are in as big of a ****storm as what the ACC and the AD’s have put us in.
I'm surprised they're blind to the brand Miami can be with the right resources and commitment. Or they're scared?

Either way, they'd be dumb to let the B1G into Florida without a fight. Right now the SEC owns Florida but giving the B1G access to Miami and FSU without a fight would be the definition of cutting their nose to spite their face.

There will be cultural objections, and racism too. The SEC is a Deep South conference. I mean, Texas, who are new and the #1 revenue producing school in America, and are located in fracking Texas, is probably the most "progressive" school in the SEC. To many with racist perspectives, we're a floating raft with books run by [maude edit: you know better] and drug dealers.

Not saying its a deal-breaker, but keep your eyes open.
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FSU is posturing. As another poster said in a different thread, there’s no way they roll the dice and end up with a $300 mil bill to leave the ACC.

The real way to do it is how OU/UT and USC/UCLA did it. Keep it quiet, then boom. You don’t telegraph your punches like that.

OU/UT and USC/UCLA all had windows to leave. The ACC has the GOR that doesn't end for a long, long time. Apples and elephants.
Bro, no offense, but this a 247 author opinion article. Furthermore, brand & viewership r two totally different topics. Advertisers r not paying top $$ for a product that’s rarely seen. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. The fact is, the viewerships of our games have precipitously dropped, which is why we’ve been relegated to the B group. Our games were once upon a time nationally televised w/ frequency, which made us the big fish for the ACC, that’s no longer the case; hence, we have threads on this board asking how to watch us! Lol.

This further proves my point:

P.S- u may do this, and I respect that, but when I have family who actually work for the network of the parent company for the ACC Network, pls understand I’m not talking from an opinion standpoint vs. data standpoint.


Without digging in, that's tough to take at face value. If Oregon's biggest games make it on ESPN2 instead of ESPN, that gives them a lift in that stat. As a counterpoint, look at Clemson. They probably only see their smallest games on "secondary channels", which contributes to why they're so low.

Median viewership might be a more honest way to tell the story. Doesn't penalize you for having over half your games on big networks, and doesn't reward you for having your biggest games on alternate channels
OU/UT and USC/UCLA all had windows to leave. The ACC has the GOR that doesn't end for a long, long time. Apples and elephants.
True, but the point was that it was done on the DL.

FSU has to have a suitor to go anywhere. It's fine to say they want to leave, but where are they going? If they had some real options on the table, they wouldn't need to go public and they certainly wouldn't need to advertise that they want to leave the ACC. That's my take at least.
True, but the point was that it was done on the DL.

FSU has to have a suitor to go anywhere. It's fine to say they want to leave, but where are they going? If they had some real options on the table, they wouldn't need to go public and they certainly wouldn't need to advertise that they want to leave the ACC. That's my take at least.
As much as we all hate FSU, they would be more than welcomed into B1G or SEC (minus Florida). They're a blue blood program with massive alumni base.

The issue won't be whether they have a home in one of those two conferences. The issue will be can their broke azzes afford leaving and taking on the penalty.

They're probably going public with this because it makes it a lot easier to leave if the entire ACC disbands. Clemson and FSU going public really forces the smaller programs like Wake Forest, Syracuse, Georgia Tech, and others to get serious. If these guys don't jump at something then there's a good chance they end up in the AAC instead of Big12 or Pac12.

No one wants to be left holding the bag and the likelihood is that it's probably going to be one of those types of programs.
As much as we all hate FSU, they would be more than welcomed into B1G or SEC (minus Florida). They're a blue blood program with massive alumni base.

The issue won't be whether they have a home in one of those two conferences. The issue will be can their broke azzes afford leaving and taking on the penalty.

They're probably going public with this because it makes it a lot easier to leave if the entire ACC disbands. Clemson and FSU going public really forces the smaller programs like Wake Forest, Syracuse, Georgia Tech, and others to get serious. If these guys don't jump at something then there's a good chance they end up in the AAC instead of Big12 or Pac12.

No one wants to be left holding the bag and the likelihood is that it's probably going to be one of those types of programs.
They can go public all they want, but the smaller ACC brands aren't going to vote to disband because they have nowhere to go. As far as football goes, teams like Wake and Cuse bring no value to any other major conference. They can only hope the ACC stays together.
They can go public all they want, but the smaller ACC brands aren't going to vote to disband because they have nowhere to go. As far as football goes, teams like Wake and Cuse bring no value to any other major conference. They can only hope the ACC stays together.
Not necessarily true. It's not just football being taken into consideration. I could see a conference wanting to add Cuse for their mens basketball and the academic prestige of the school doesn't hurt. Wake tends to be decent in most sports as well and is another academically prestigious school.
There will be cultural objections, and racism too. The SEC is a Deep South conference. I mean, Texas, who are new and the #1 revenue producing school in America, and are located in fracking Texas, is probably the most "progressive" school in the SEC. To many with racist perspectives, we're a floating raft with books run by [maude edit: you know better] and drug dealers.

Not saying its a deal-breaker, but keep your eyes open.
100% that and the reality is that while Miami has a ton of unrealized potential, it is unrealized potential. At some point people don’t really care about what could be and only care about what is. We as fans naturally overate our relevance and significance.
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