MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Acc needs to some how force notre dame to join as well as Oregon and Washington
U would need one more maybe Utah
Logistically, the SEC makes the most sense. And that’s about it. They’ve been at the forefront of suppressing us for years and all those “southern” schools, in my view, would not be very welcoming. We are not a cultural fit with the SEC.

There a several “old” schools in the B1G that might be a bit objectionable to us but I think we fit better with them culturally and their academics are much better than the SEC.
I think if we joined they would “S.E.C. S.E.C. “ us into acceptance.
Listen we are #1 on both conferences list. All everyone was waiting on was our commitment financially. Don't think Dan didn't have a plan and knew what was going on at Clemson and who would make the most sense for his swan song... Having this kind of financial commitment AND winning on the field with a great P.R. coach like Mario is too good to pass up. We would add more value to a conference than any other school left and its not close. Think about our brand. Its top 5-6 in the country.
I swear to God I said this last year when the expansion talks started last year…A Certain porster tried to tell me I was wrong..
No one is defending anyone's competence, they showed a lack of it in many areas. However, in this case, if you found anyone in 2013 when the GOR was signed, that Texas and Oklahoma would leave for the SEC and especially, UCLA and USC would join the Big 10 you would think they were insane. ****, you'd say they were insane less than 3 days ago.

Btw, if you do know someone who predicted this in 2013, please let me know. I'll bet the Super Bowl for the next 5 years and retire a rich man.

I can overlook the GOR signing (though it should be noted that the SEC doesn't obligate the schools to the conference, they stay because they make a lot of money). You are right that it was hard to foresee the conference shifts in 2013. But it wasnt unforeseeable in 2020 when the ACC bent over for ND and let it join the acc for one season and leave. ND was desperate, everyones dance card was filled up and they couldn't even fill out their schedule. Playoffs were a non possibility. That is when an ACC Commish with brains would have put the screws to ND and told them "Join the conference or f#ck off. It's this or cancel your season." (btw Blake James is on record saying he was happy to have ND join for one season, but he appreciated ND needed to do what's best for itself and the ACC wasnt going to push ND to become a full time member) .

Not forcing ND to join was the ACC effectively signing its own death warrant. Everyone knew conferences were stealing programs from each other. It should have been obvious to the ACC that it wasn't going to survive if ND somehow bailed for another conference, but they decided to take their chances. Now its pretty much over for the acc.
I can overlook the GOR signing (though it should be noted that the SEC doesn't obligate the schools to the conference, they stay because they make a lot of money). You are right that it was hard to foresee the conference shifts in 2013. But it wasnt unforeseeable in 2020 when the ACC bent over for ND and let it join the acc for one season and leave. ND was desperate, everyones dance card was filled up and they couldn't even fill out their schedule. Playoffs were a non possibility. That is when an ACC Commish with brains would have put the screws to ND and told them "Join the conference or f#ck off. It's this or cancel your season." (btw Blake James is on record saying he was happy to have ND join for one season, but he appreciated ND needed to do what's best for itself and the ACC wasnt going to push ND to become a full time member) .

Not forcing ND to join was the ACC effectively signing its own death warrant. Everyone knew conferences were stealing programs from each other. It should have been obvious to the ACC that it wasn't going to survive if ND somehow bailed for another conference, but they decided to take their chances. Now its pretty much over for the acc.
I still would argue in 2020, most people thought conference realignment was over. The last major realignment was over 6 years earlier when the Big 10 added Rutgers and Maryland.

I do agree that the ACC missed out on a huge opportunity to get ND in full time. However, I don't think the "join the conference or f*ck off" would have worked either. They would have just sat out I think. Money doesn't seem to be a problem for them even though they make less than the ACC schools (and that includes their TV deal). Instead of just one year, I think they could have told them if they join for 5 years, you'll let them play in 2020. This way, they get 5 years of experience in conference play and maybe it grows on them. They might have gone with that. The TV deal could be redone for that 5 year period and the ACC Network would have even more programming. I think things would really have been different about now.
Not going to happen any time soon. Forget about the $52M exit fee Miami would have to pay. There is an ACC "Grant in Rights Bylaw" which states that even if a school leaves the ACC, their tv revenue from the new conference would go to the ACC for the remainder of the ACC tv contract.

The current ACC tv contact runs through 2036. Miami would receive NO tv revenue for over a decade even if joining another conference.

So, it would be financial suicide for Miami to leave before the next 10 years.
They’re called lawyers.
If we’re going to add teams to the ACC...

Ideally you’d want Baylor, OK ST, TTech & Kansas; Baylor OK ST & TTech are good at both FBall & BBall & Kansas adds a great deal of viewership for Basketball.
So the ACC is going to compete against the Texas + OU and USC + UCLA additions with Baylor, OK ST and TTech? ****, that says it all, we need to get out ASAP
It's all about market value for TV and streaming contracts. Miami is a very attractive TV market with plenty of room for growth. It's the same reason the BIG took the LA teams. We are 100% the most attractive market for BOTH conferences at this point. With our new investments in the big 3 sports and our brand strength it is no longer a favor to bring us in it's a competition IMO
Both the SEC and BIG are looking for the most attractive package deal right now, and this ^^^^ is exactly why ND/Miami are by far the most attractive package deal.
Hypothetical here:
Would you rather take getting into the Big Ten right now and whatever happens after that with everyone else happens.
Or, would you rather wait and see in case we can get in the SEC.
I’m not saying we have the invite to the Big Ten right now. I’m just throwing a hypothetical out here.
Hypothetical here:
Would you rather take getting into the Big Ten right now and whatever happens after that with everyone else happens.
Or, would you rather wait and see in case we can get in the SEC.
I’m not saying we have the invite to the Big Ten right now. I’m just throwing a hypothetical out here.
If Big ten comes calling you say yes before they knock on your door.
If Big ten comes calling you say yes before they knock on your door.
**** yeah. B1G might actually be a better fit because we have a history with several teams. B1G for sure knows the kinda ratings they’d get if Miami starting playing Penn State, Ohio State and Nebraska regularly. If ND joins in…..****.
I don't think Miami has the $396 million to get out of that GoR deal.

Swafford destroyed this conference
Let’s say the SEC/B1G get $120MM after their new additions. The ACC is stuck @ $30MM until 2035. That’s without any further TV bumps before 2035 for the SEC/B1G. That’s more than a $1B difference. If UHealth is really getting $600MM then we have the $ and it makes sense financially to move.