MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I do know Cribby. And there is a difference between a plan currently being developed and “will be developed”
Listen fool the plan was being worked on BEFORE usc to big 10. Just because you hear public politically correct statements from all involved doesn’t mean **** or are you just that naive. Ucla was all pac 12 the day before they said deuces
I thought our contract ended in 2027, which is why I thought we would be in a new conference jn 2028. I don’t think that was an absurd take. It’s very realistic at this point lol
Sean Taylor would roll over in his grave seeing your Cuck comments as Ill informed as they are
Imminent is a funny word for this kind of stuff. Nothing being signed/announced within the next two weeks could mean nothing imminent. Doesn't mean a deal is far off though
Remember when Rad said that he would like Alonzo to be added to the team one day but that nothing was imminent? Guess who joined about a month later...
How many times to we have to post what is happening, before people realize we’re not throwing **** against the wall. 😂

I really wish we could set up alerts for certain posters. I generally just wait for Cribby. Unfortunately i have to scan through lots of filth to be sure I didn’t miss any of his posts. I have seen a few of yours too but i am not as familiar with you as i am him. But you have my attention and above all, thank you. I appreciate ya.
Cribby stated weeks ago that "Clemson and UM are joined at the hip" in exiting the ACC.
If that's true, can the B1G stomach Clemson academics to send them an invite? They're an elite powerful football brand, the B1G could use another one of those. And if they do get the invite, does the Clemson president care enough about academics to go B1G over an SEC invite? Maybe I'm biased but Miami is more a national brand than a regional one, moreso than Clemson, I think we fit better in the B1G than the SEC for a lot reasons.

Last time B1G expanded it tried to get UVA, UNC, and GT before they ended up grabbing Rutgers. I think they definitely will go back to those 3 schools and will want UM to get into Florida markets. If Clemson is tied to Miami, maybe they go for UM, Clemson, GT, UVA, UNC, and ND? Maybe FSU if ND is still not ready to join.
If that's true, can the B1G stomach Clemson academics to send them an invite? They're an elite powerful football brand, the B1G could use another one of those. And if they do get the invite, does the Clemson president care enough about academics to go B1G over an SEC invite? Maybe I'm biased but Miami is more a national brand than a regional one, moreso than Clemson, I think we fit better in the B1G than the SEC for a lot reasons.

Last time B1G expanded it tried to get UVA, UNC, and GT before they ended up grabbing Rutgers. I think they definitely will go back to those 3 schools and will want UM to get into Florida markets. If Clemson is tied to Miami, maybe they go for UM, Clemson, GT, UVA, UNC, and ND? Maybe FSU if ND is still not ready to join.
Give me ESPN over Fox sports. The whole "regional" argument doesn't hold much water when ESPN is airing your gamed nationwide.