MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

They don’t want to expand because they know that the schools that could be added with the exception of Notre Dame will actually not bring more to the table then I renegotiated overall deal with them not included we get for the ACC if ESPN even considers it, and they know that the renegotiated deal the ESPN might offer the ACC has currently constituted still won’t match anything near what the big 10 or STD are getting
I agree, but some posters on here swear UCF is a power that would bring more money to the ACC :snoopfacepalm:

My opinion it will be a few months/ years before we announce a jump to a conference. I think Miami sticks it out until the contract with the ACC ends. Just my gut feeling. I hope to god I am wrong though
No way UM "sticks it out" until 2036 ... that is 14 more season. Insane take. Just look at what the ACC commissioner stated "all options are on the table". He knows the top programs want out and will potentially bail and then litigate to force a modified financial penalty. There is ALSO some possibility that the new agreement that was signed DOES include some "cause" clause. One journalist that was able to compare the original 4 page ACC contract with the new 20 page extension that included the founding of the ACC Network stated that the new agreement contained a "comparable revenue" clause ... that made him believe the agreement was "malleable" rather than iron clad. He read the clause as indicating that if ACC teams were not receiving revenue comparable with similar teams in other conferences they could demand to be released from the GOR. No idea if that is true ... but the mere fact that the Big 2 will be receiving in the neighborhood of $90-100MM and the "top brands" in the ACC will be at around $33MM ... would be grounds for litigation.
If the ACC expands….
Does that mean the GOR is on the table for new negotiation? I assume the TV contracts would be.
No way UM "sticks it out" until 2036 ... that is 14 more season. Insane take. Just look at what the ACC commissioner stated "all options are on the table". He knows the top programs want out and will potentially bail and then litigate to force a modified financial penalty. There is ALSO some possibility that the new agreement that was signed DOES include some "cause" clause. One journalist that was able to compare the original 4 page ACC contract with the new 20 page extension that included the founding of the ACC Network stated that the new agreement contained a "comparable revenue" clause ... that made him believe the agreement was "malleable" rather than iron clad. He read the clause as indicating that if ACC teams were not receiving revenue comparable with similar teams in other conferences they could demand to be released from the GOR. No idea if that is true ... but the mere fact that the Big 2 will be receiving in the neighborhood of $90-100MM and the "top brands" in the ACC will be at around $33MM ... would be grounds for litigation.
I don't think their contract ends in 2036 lol. You are thinking of the ACC's tv deal.
My opinion it will be a few months/ years before we announce a jump to a conference. I think Miami sticks it out until the contract with the ACC ends. Just my gut feeling. I hope to god I am wrong though

Miami sticks it out until 2036…. That’s your assumption/prediction???

I’ll bet you my house that something gets announced in 3yrs or less. And when I win the bet you have to leave CanesInsight forever
Miami sticks it out until 2036…. That’s your assumption/prediction???

I’ll bet you my house that something gets announced in 3yrs or less. And when I win the bet you have to leave CanesInsight forever
I thought Miami is out in like 2027? The ACC media rights run through 2036. I was saying miami won't be in another conference until like 2028. My point is that there is a lot of people refreshing CanesInisght and Twitter every 5 seconds to see if we are going to another conference, which probably wont happen any time soon.
whatever happens, is getting decided/announced in next 8months IMO.... the wheels started with Texas/OU, and USC/UCLA put it into high gear.... I think Rad and the U's decision now is most secure Conference for the future and best $$$ deal... and I don't think any of that is pointing to the ACC, we need to jump ship before Clemson/FSU/NC does or we get left in a "B squad" conference holding our cranks... Even the ACC Hail Mary scenario of getting ND/Oregon/Washington/Baylor all to join still puts us as the 3rd best conference... Big10/SEC or bust.
This is from the USC 247 site and was posted today:

We’re heard plenty about the B1G Ten centering its focus on making Notre Dame a part of its future national conference that will include USC and UCLA in 2024. We continue to hear that Miami is also a school that is being looked at for future expansion. While many college football fans would assume Miami would join the SEC in major conference expansion, several source we’ve spoken with feel like Miami would be more apt to join a B1G national conference.

That even comes from people working the recruiting beat in Florida. 247Sports Recruiting Analyst Andrew Ivins has covered Miami for years in his duties as a recruiting writer and shared his opinion on the Hurricanes’ future.

“Personally, I think the BIG Ten makes the most sense for Miami,” said Ivins. “They have the med school and good academics, so they check those boxes outside of football.

“The BIG Ten is looking for a partner to dance with the that conference is recruiting Florida as well as anyone in the 2023 cycle. I haven’t been to every B1G Ten campus nor have I been to every SEC campus, but from what I have seen, I think Miami fits in better with the B1G Ten.” — Gerard Martinez
I don't think their contract ends in 2036 lol. You are thinking of the ACC's tv deal.
THAT GOR which runs through 2036 is the ONLY factor keeping teams IN the ACC. There is no way that UM / Clemson / FSU remain in the ACC until the GOR expires. Lawyers will be involved and some negotiated exit will be agreed on ... and it may even end up being "0" if enough teams bail from the conference. Takes 75% vote to ELIMINATE the conference. If there is interest by the SEC in taking UM / Clemson / FSU / UNC and the other "primary brands" bail for the Big 12. Problem solved. No more ACC. The renegotiated GOR was done and all programs have their MEDIA RIGHTS money going to the ACC until that GOR expires ... that was part of the deal that ESPN had on the table when they agreed to form the ACC Network. ESPN COULD help negotiate the exit of major brands ... as long as they went to the SEC to strengthen the SEC Network. A lot of behind the scenes action going on ... but "waiting for contracts to run their course" is not an option.
THAT GOR which runs through 2036 is the ONLY factor keeping teams IN the ACC. There is no way that UM / Clemson / FSU remain in the ACC until the GOR expires. Lawyers will be involved and some negotiated exit will be agreed on ... and it may even end up being "0" if enough teams bail from the conference. Takes 75% vote to ELIMINATE the conference. If there is interest by the SEC in taking UM / Clemson / FSU / UNC and the other "primary brands" bail for the Big 12. Problem solved. No more ACC. The renegotiated GOR was done and all programs have their MEDIA RIGHTS money going to the ACC until that GOR expires ... that was part of the deal that ESPN had on the table when they agreed to form the ACC Network. ESPN COULD help negotiate the exit of major brands ... as long as they went to the SEC to strengthen the SEC Network. A lot of behind the scenes action going on ... but "waiting for contracts to run their course" is not an option.
I would agree its not an option. But Miami isn't joining or announcing a conference any time soon. The ACC have already came out and said they will make leaving as painful as possible. I would agree that lawyers will be heavily involved and negotiations will take a long time. I though our individual contract ended in 2027, which is about when I predicted Miami to transition into another conference. Now I have no clue. But there are a lot of fans refreshing CanesInsight and twitter every 5 seconds to see if we are leaving, which probably isnt happening anytime soon
This is from the USC 247 site and was posted today:

We’re heard plenty about the B1G Ten centering its focus on making Notre Dame a part of its future national conference that will include USC and UCLA in 2024. We continue to hear that Miami is also a school that is being looked at for future expansion. While many college football fans would assume Miami would join the SEC in major conference expansion, several source we’ve spoken with feel like Miami would be more apt to join a B1G national conference.

That even comes from people working the recruiting beat in Florida. 247Sports Recruiting Analyst Andrew Ivins has covered Miami for years in his duties as a recruiting writer and shared his opinion on the Hurricanes’ future.

“Personally, I think the BIG Ten makes the most sense for Miami,” said Ivins. “They have the med school and good academics, so they check those boxes outside of football.

“The BIG Ten is looking for a partner to dance with the that conference is recruiting Florida as well as anyone in the 2023 cycle. I haven’t been to every B1G Ten campus nor have I been to every SEC campus, but from what I have seen, I think Miami fits in better with the B1G Ten.” — Gerard Martinez
Josh Pate said that Jim Delany has still been advising the Big Ten on expansion. He has publicly said that the conference needs to look to the sun belt for expansion opportunities.

It's been widely speculated that the Big Ten's study to expand has been about getting the Big Ten Network into more homes. That still very well may be true. Yesterday, though, Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany added a new twist for possible expansion that will get the SEC's attention: Population growth in the Sun Belt.

"We've been blessed in many ways by the economy and density of the population in the 20th century," Delany told reporters at the Big Ten spring meetings. "In the last 20 years there has been a clear shift of movement into the Sun Belt. The rates of growth in the Sun Belt are four times the rate in the East or the Midwest. That has demographic meaning long term for the economy, for jobs, for recruitment of students, for recruitment of athletes, for recruitment of faculty, for tax base."
I would agree its not an option. But Miami isn't joining or announcing a conference any time soon. The ACC have already came out and said they will make leaving as painful as possible. I would agree that lawyers will be heavily involved and negotiations will take a long time. I though our individual contract ended in 2027, which is about when I predicted Miami to transition into another conference. Now I have no clue. But there are a lot of fans refreshing CanesInsight and twitter every 5 seconds to see if we are leaving, which probably isnt happening anytime soon
I believe we need to agree to disagree on this one. We both have opinions. We DO know that UM's AD Dan Radakovich IS SERIOUSLY EXPLORING an exit from the ACC for Miami and he is doing it in conjunction with the AD from Clemson, potentially with the two leaving as a pair. I take the comments that Cribby offers CIS as solid insight into what is going on.
I would agree its not an option. But Miami isn't joining or announcing a conference any time soon. The ACC have already came out and said they will make leaving as painful as possible. I would agree that lawyers will be heavily involved and negotiations will take a long time. I though our individual contract ended in 2027, which is about when I predicted Miami to transition into another conference. Now I have no clue. But there are a lot of fans refreshing CanesInsight and twitter every 5 seconds to see if we are leaving, which probably isnt happening anytime soon
Regarding "our individual contract" .... the Grant of Rights agreement that ALL ACC programs had ... ran through 2027. However in 2016 that agreement was AMENDED AND EXTENDED through 2036 as part of the agreement with ESPN to launch the ACC Network. That is it ... the new contract which is the GOR runs through 2036.
I believe we need to agree to disagree on this one. We both have opinions. We DO know that UM's AD Dan Radakovich IS SERIOUSLY EXPLORING an exit from the ACC for Miami and he is doing it in conjunction with the AD from Clemson, potentially with the two leaving as a pair. I take the comments that Cribby offers CIS as solid insight into what is going on.
Clemson and Miami can threaten to leave. It means nothing. Texas and Oklahoma aren’t in the SEC for another 2-3 years because of the buyout and theirs is pennies compared to ours.
I believe we need to agree to disagree on this one. We both have opinions. We DO know that UM's AD Dan Radakovich IS SERIOUSLY EXPLORING an exit from the ACC for Miami and he is doing it in conjunction with the AD from Clemson, potentially with the two leaving as a pair. I take the comments that Cribby offers CIS as solid insight into what is going on.
How do you know that though? We are all just assuming he is seriously exploring an exit because in our eyes it’s the right thing to do.
How do you know that though? We are all just assuming he is seriously exploring an exit because in our eyes it’s the right thing to do.
No that's not true .... do you know Cribby .... a poster on this site? He has information .... actual information that Radakovich IS and has been exploring exit strategies for some time. Expectations are that a plan WILL be developed.