From a "military perspective" assuming Miami remains relevant...
- SEC would be foolish to allow B1G to establish beachhead on their Southern Flank
- B1G would be foolish not to continue to encircle SEC by taking Miami + Georgia Tech and establishing a strong position on SEC's Southwestern (e.g. Texas) flank
Both B1G/SEC would be foolish not to establish strongholds in mid-Atlantic markets (e.g. North Carolina/Virgina)
More pressure on B1G expansion than SEC due to demo growth is South.
Assuming Empy's Super Conference doesn't happen*:
- If I'm B1G Commish, I'm taking UNC + somebody in Virginia + Miami + Georgia Tech + poach aTm/SMU/TCU
- If I'm SEC Commish, I'm taking UNC + somebody in Virginia + Miami + poach someone in Southwest US
If you aren't sitting at the table, you are on the menu.
If I'm BXII + ACC, I'm merging yesterday and putting Yormark in charge.
*of course it will happen