MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

the SEC wants to stick at 16 schools

Zero percent chance that's true. Zero.

A major problem for them is they feel there should be more SEC teams making the playoff. As it stands now, they haven't done anything to change the status quo, in fact, they've probably made it worse for themselves. Adding Oklahoma and Texas just means more teams with 10-2 and 9-3 seasons, as the SEC and BIG10 beat each other up every year. Meanwhile, they diluted the other conferences which make it more likely for teams to have better records.

The SEC and BIG10 have created a situation where they cannot only go half way . They have to go all in to actually get what they want. They have to diminish all the other conferences so they have no claim to enter any kind of playoff scenario. They're about 6-8 poached teams away from doing that. They're not going to stop. An undefeated or 12-1 ACC team is always going to get the nod. If Oregon goes 12-0 or 11-2 they'll likely push an SEC team out.
Zero percent chance that's true. Zero.

A major problem for them is they feel there should be more SEC teams making the playoff. As it stands now, they haven't done anything to change the status quo, in fact, they've probably made it worse for themselves. Adding Oklahoma and Texas just means more teams with 10-2 and 9-3 seasons, as the SEC and BIG10 beat each other up every year. Meanwhile, they diluted the other conferences which make it more likely for teams to have better records.

The SEC and BIG10 have created a situation where they cannot only go half way . They have to go all in to actually get what they want. They have to diminish all the other conferences so they have no claim to enter any kind of playoff scenario. They're about 6-8 poached teams away from doing that. They're not going to stop. An undefeated or 12-1 ACC team is always going to get the nod. If Oregon goes 12-0 or 11-2 they'll likely push an SEC team out.
^ This guy gets it.
Andy staples went on pardon my take today, some cliff notes, most is already known.

Notre dame can go anywhere it wants (no ****) but he’s sees them joining the big 10. No chance they join ACC, agin not ground breaking.

North Carolina and Virginia wanted to by SEC and big 10.

He believes the big 12 is in a good position to be the third conference and eventually sees them poaching the pac 10 and then the ACC if the grant of rights is broken.

Says the ACC screwed up as bad as humanly possible in the past 10 years.

Did not mention Miami at all in the realignment process. Only mentioned, Clemson and Florida state consistently and then North Carolina, Virginia, and Virginia tech.
I’ve been in favor of moving to Big XII from the very beginning.

The initial panic of all these teams appearing to leave made people over-reactionary, the idea that the SEC was just going to welcome us with open arms was more wishful thinking than reality.

The Big XII is actually a good move for us & would put us at the top of the totem pole as the best team in a new conference. Hopping into the traffic jam of the SEC is not the ideal situation & would likely neutralize any real chance we have in becoming a playoff team.
At the end of the day, there will likely be no further realignment for now. Maybe it fires up after this upcoming season. Neither the B1G or SEC wants to play a game of chicken with the other and start taking teams just to take them. Both conferences are in line to payout 100 mil a team the next go around. I'm sure they're fine with that.

That said, at least one of the remaining three conferences will not survive. Maybe two. Someone with balls needs force the consolidation of those three conferences.
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Season 9 Nbc GIF by The Office

The SEC was good at 14 schools right up the day they acknowledged Oklahoma and Texas were coming.

Funny how that works.
I know no one is talking about this, but the B12 might position itself as a Big 3. UT & OU defecting to the SEC hurt, but it was a body blow b/c B12 kept important pieces that’s been a low key stabilizer and vying for CFP spots for the past several yrs: BU, OKSt, & Iowa St. Then to add Houston, who’s been a beast in the AAC, & Cincy who was the 1st G5 program to make the CFP, & they have a solid conference, along w/ KU carrying the banner as a blue blood for b-ball.

Now if the rumors are correct, that B12 might be looking at AU, ASU, Utah, & Colorado, Utah would strengthen their football, while AU would add another blue blood to the b-ball side, plus Baylor has an outstanding b-ball program for men & women.

Interesting times, very interesting

This may be the case, but people fundamentally misunderstand what’s happened over the last 12 months if they believe this at face value.

The last few weeks I’ve heard and read host after host, author after author, slap themselves on the back and say, “we told you the Alliance was a joke. They didn’t fool us!” As if they’ve figured out the whole game and shrewdly diagnosed the outcome way back in the summer of 2021. “We told you the B1G wasn’t like the others and look what they did! Just like we predicted, the Alliance was a sham.”

Except it wasn’t a sham, not for the B1G. In fact it was a stroke of genius, because the SEC didn’t touch another school and the Big Ten was able to push pause on realignment for an entire year before making their countermove. So the Alliance wasn’t a farce, it wasn’t a stupid move, it was shrewd. Even though “everyone knew” the B1G wasn’t like the PAC and ACC, nobody stopped to ask why they did it, aside from rhetorical conjecture. They did it to push pause and make the biggest move they could while everyone else slept soundly.

And that is exactly what that article is trying to do. Put everyone back asleep, for a month, for six months, maybe even a year, then the thief will return. Maybe it’s the SEC first, maybe it isn’t, but I’ll bet you that when it comes no one will remember that “breaking news” apart from the guy who wrote it.

LOL at "tremendous reporting" ... It's a lightweight nothing burger by (yet another) Gator homer in the media.

Again, what an AD says off-the-record (or even on the record) doesn't mean jack. Nobody whose opinion matters is saying anything of substance right now.

Yesterday, the ACC's Big Dogs were getting ready to make a jailbreak.

And now this **** pops up and every team in the conference is just gonna sit back down and settle for making $50M less a year than their SEC counterparts until 2036?

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Unfortunately I think this all plays out when it becomes financially advantageous for ACC teams 5-8ish to bail out of the ACC. And I think that will be in the 2025-2026 season-ish. At that point the SEC/BIG payouts balloon to the 90-100M range and it may make sense for ESPN to kill the ACC in order to not have that contract anymore.

I could see at that point espn taking the b12 contract and making it more favorable (say 50-60M per school). I could then see teams like Pitt/Louisville/VT/NC State/GT wanting to go to the b12 for higher payouts than the acc. At that point the Mia/Clemson/FSU/UNC bunch will have the 8 needed to bail.