MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Do you really think teams in the ACC haven’t tried to leave? I’m 100% they have lawyers looking for loopholes. Let’s hope they find them because as of now we’re stuck in quick sand
I’m 100% sure that you don’t know what the **** you’re talking about you’re acting like all the schools are going to try to stay in the dying carcass of a conference as opposed to voting it out of existence
Decisions, decisions, I prefer Southern hillbillies, generally racist, teeth missing, obese, ***** their sister, and smelling of cheap beer opposing fans OR do I prefer Midwestern hillbillies, generally racist, obese, naive like Rose on the Golden Girls, like to say "don't ya know", hire doctors and coaches who fondle kids or college students, and smelling of cheap beer?

BUT, they do have the money, so it's got to be one or the other. :6fps6:
I believe the super conferences would have 9 game conference schedules. Playing a 10th P5 game OOC would only be an option for teams with OOC rivals. In other words you’d be putting yourself at a disadvantage. Don’t think that would happen.


9 conference games would be 5 home one year, 4 home another year. In the year you "only" play 4 home conference games, you schedule a home P5 OOC opponent, and then 2 revenue games. That way you get 7 home games every year, 5 good games, 2 walkovers.

In the years when you have 5 home (conference) games, you play the OOC game on the road (or neutral site) and still have the 2 revenue games. Same schedule balance.
What? Do you even realize what you are saying?

After the last round of defections, both the Big 12 and the ACC decided upon "poison pill" provisions. The "grant of rights". "Mutual Assured Destruction". "Nobody gets out of here alive".

And, AS IS THE HALLMARK OF THE DISASTROUS BETA BLAKE JAMES ADMINISTRATION, Miami signed on to every ****ty OVERLY LONG contract possible. ACC Grant of Rights. ACC TV deal. The adidas nightmare.

You name it, Beta Blake smiled his fake smile and said "can we DOUBLE the number of years?"

And what happened? THE BIG 12 WAS COMING TO THE END OF THEIR ORIGINAL GRANT OF RIGHTS DEAL, which is what gave Texas and Oklahoma the opening to do what they did with minimal cost (there was obviously SOME cost, but not as bad as it would have been 6 or 8 years ago).

Sooooo...once again...the ACC is not simply fvcked on general, we are fvcked BECAUSE WE WERE THE LAST POWER FIVE CONFERENCE TO THE TABLE. The last with its own TV network. The last to break free from the Jefferson Pilot/syndicated regional network TV deals. The last to figure out how to monetize all of our content.

And we made it WORSE by handcuffing ourselves together for LONGER than everyone else. By god, if every other conference's "grant of rights" expire in the 2020s, WHY IN GOD'S NAME WERE WE DOING OURS INTO THE 2030s? Even if you assume that Grant of Rights does what it is supposed to do (keep the band together during the hard times), it is absolutely insane to give yourself NO FLEXIBILITY if the entire college sports landscape CHANGES while your band of idiots are all tied up to one another.

It's not about "loopholes". There are no loopholes.


And if 4 or 6 or even EIGHT teams want to leave the ACC, all of the "but you failed to read Article III, Section 6 properly" is not going to save the ACC.
I haven’t read the articles. My question is whether there is a certain quorum needed to change the articles/bi-laws and if so what’s that number is. Assuming a tight contract, if enough schools want out they can rewrite the the charter and possibly the penalties for leaving.
I think the B1G is a better fit for the ’Canes… more urban markets (Chicago, LA, D.C., etc.), not the same type of ridiculous spending on facilities as the SEC, etc.

9 conference games would be 5 home one year, 4 home another year. In the year you "only" play 4 home conference games, you schedule a home P5 OOC opponent, and then 2 revenue games. That way you get 7 home games every year, 5 good games, 2 walkovers.

In the years when you have 5 home (conference) games, you play the OOC game on the road (or neutral site) and still have the 2 revenue games. Same schedule balance.
That sounds fine but I’m skeptical. A team like Mich for example doesn’t have an OOC rival. So this year they don’t have a 10th P5. I’m sure there are other BIG teams that are the same.

Teams aren’t gonna want to lock in another legit P5 opponent. Florida already complains about playing FSU. Imagine the complaining from them (and others) when FSU (or the other opponent) gets better, goes to BIG and SEC has 9 games. Same way A&M and Texas don’t play eachother anymore. The CFP would have to implement a 10 game P5 rule.
I do not want the Canes to go to the SEC but I also do not agree with this.
Texas A&M was not doing anything when they joined the SEC. They were basically doing far less than us as a program.
Nonsense. If we are spending like the best and keeping up with the times, we will be fine. We are still in South FL which is what kept us from being Nebraska for 20 years. And now we care and have a proper structure