Columbus vs Northwestern Post Game Analysis

Lulz who would be a better choice for head coach at CCHS than Merritt? Before Merritt, CCHS used to struggle to win district championships. In '98 they got blown out by southwest, and went 5-5 LMAO. Don't say that talent started coming in with Merritt, or that they didn't have decent coaches.

Most people don't realize the huge disadvantages that CCHS has at the offensive/defensive lines. Other than 2008, when have they ever had a talented defensive line? Same for the O-line in 2007. That 2008 defense held Lamar Miller to 29yds on 19 carries. He rushed for over 100 against every other team that he played against. The avg size of their O-line is usually 5-10 230lbs, and most of them can't even bench 2 plates for more than a few reps. Yeah, they have a few good skill players, but they're at a huge disadvantage when they're going against Central/NW's line's.

Also, the administration isn't very friendly when considering transfers. They don't allow senior transfers. They didn't admit Lamarcus Joyner because the AD at SW sent a statement to CCHS claiming disciplinary issues and poor study habits. He had over 3.0 at STA lol. Must be nice when you can admit anyone and get players from OOS.

Lol at Columbus having issues with transfers. Btw, since when don't they allow seniors to transfer in? Sure seem to have a senior transfer in at need positions every year, couple years ago it was QB, 5-6 years ago it was the RB from Palmetto.....

QB Dan Parker, and RB John Mosure. They both transferred during the spring of their junior year.

That was a while ago. They do actually have a problem with senior transfers under the new administration though. It is a problem in all sports

Merrit not having an OL is his own fault. If you can recruit RB, QB, etc then why cant you get some OL.

skyman if NW is not well coached and lack playmakers what does that say about Columbus ?? Not knocking their staff just asking what you think about Columbus

Columbus always has a good team, They just never seem to get over the NW/Central hump. I could understand in the loaded years but these last few years NW has been down and Columbus still hasnt beaten them. I saw NW play Carol City this year and there were soo many penalties NW couldnt do much. And seeing Columbus play before I thought Columbus would beat them this year. They just cant get that BIG win. So far this year, NW, Central and St Thomas have beaten columbus...