It's our own fault we didn't get Kirkland. Collins is whatever, but we ****ed up with Kirkland.
That is not true. This kid was a jerk and got called on it. Coley coming here blew his cover and he had to run to Randy. I have serious issues with how our team is being coached and the schemes being used, but the whole Kirland thing was bs. Donna should have never held that meeting. Letting that kid have his chance to throw rotten egg was stupid. I like uncle Luke but he is about as racist as they come and Ice needed a little payback for Al not keeping him. That crap is over and Al won. Now if he could just win some games.
Collins, is a different matter. Him it would be really nice to have. I have no idea why we lost him. Al lcearly had his mom in our corner and that is historically a crucial element. Mom's were Bowden's speciality.
Collins can't be blamed on Golden or his ability to get mom in his corner. Collins' mom, brother, and some of his closest friends all thought Collins was going to pick Miami based on what he had told them, and were as shocked as most fans and the UM coaches were when he didn't.