"College football has changed."

"We can't expect Miami to recruit with the big boys because they don't have nice lockers with flat screens."

It's time for this bull**** argument to finally die. Miami has always been a sleeping giant in recruiting. We have everything a recruit could want and the top location on Earth. Miami is the place where the best players grow up and where the rest of the players want to move once they make money.

This is what happens when you have professionals in charge.

Mistaken downvote, D. I'm with you all the way on this.

I kept hearing and reading shiznit that "times have changed," "the balance of power has shifted," and "there is no way a small private school can compete with the big state schools." I never waivered from my belief that we were a competent coach away from going back to the top of CFB because of our location. We just needed a coach who could keep our resources here and not let them leave. It looks like CMR is that guy and is making it happen. Listen to your boy when he tells you "it's great to be a Miami Hurricane!"
"We can't expect Miami to recruit with the big boys because they don't have nice lockers with flat screens."

It's time for this bull**** argument to finally die. Miami has always been a sleeping giant in recruiting. We have everything a recruit could want and the top location on Earth. Miami is the place where the best players grow up and where the rest of the players want to move once they make money.

This is what happens when you have professionals in charge.

Mistaken downvote, D. I'm with you all the way on this.

Sorry I down voted you trying to scroll up my bad