College experience?

OK, I see where u’re coming from. But follow the chit I spit real quick:

-When it comes to student-athletes, my brotha all they really care about is what school is going to put them in the best position to get to the next level.

They’ll sacrifice 3 yrs to get a 10 yr career, bro. I can tell u even back in the day these dudes wasn’t too concerned about school. Don’t get me wrong, some were, but a lot were like aye, I’m here & this is an opportunity to make the league.

I tell the story all the time, but when I was at SC w/ my girl, I ain’t never seen Bush, Leinart, Lendale or any of em in class. They couldn’t have been, b/c I wasn’t a student there, & when I was in the quad, they were there. Lol. Or I can tell u my boy J Weav, or Troy Tulo, or Evan were never in class at school. Lol. Some kids still appreciate the college experience, others do not. Some of these kids r saying f college b/c they r making $$ via social media, while others r making $$, but want that degree to become even more.

It’s different flavors.

1000. I feel you.

Not sure it’s overrated but one thing is for sure previous staffs here never fully leveraged Miami as a city. There were multiple reasons for that, some of them not even within the control of those staffs. With NIL, Mario and the school’s commitment to the program, that all changes.
I think part of the problem with Miami the city is that most of the sell-able aspects are incredibly unaffordable, especially for college kids. Maybe not as much for University of Miami students because a majority of them are already from wealthy families but the average college kid couldn't afford to enjoy a lot of what Miami has to offer. Until NIL became a thing. When you've got $10 in your checking account, $1 beer night at the local college bar in Gainesville is about the best thing you can expect. When you've got a 6 or 7 figure NIL package, the city of Miami and all the incredible experiences that come with it are now readily available to you. There's no bigger example of a big fish in a small pond than a college football player in a college town. Those guys run their cities and everyone bends over backwards for them. A college football player in a major market was just another broke college kid until now.
imo this is a myth every school no matter where you go, has a "college experience". College experience varies, urban universities are way different and offer different perks than "traditional" ones. I went to urban university and visited college towns in my time and I would not trade it. Granted I didnt go to a giant party school but we enjoyed the city and we ran into university students from other schools all the time. Urban schools are way more expensive to "enjoy" but the student body will get to enjoy it someway.
I got every bit as equivalent a "college experience" at UM to that of my many relatives that went to Pedo State and some other schools in college towns. The only difference is we got the big/international city experience TOO if we wanted it. My stories are always 1000% more interesting than theirs based on this alone.

UM ain't a "city" school in the sense of real city schools in the northeast and some other places. I could see that experience actually differing greatly to what you'd get in College Town, USA but UM certainly ain't that. Our students aren't riding public transportation at all let alone subways or busses back to their housing. We're almost more akin to a suburban type campus (albeit in a verrry wealthy suburb) despite clowns STILL trying to pretend we're in Allapattah and have 30000 undergrads that don't go to any sporting events.
I think part of the problem with Miami the city is that most of the sell-able aspects are incredibly unaffordable, especially for college kids. Maybe not as much for University of Miami students because a majority of them are already from wealthy families but the average college kid couldn't afford to enjoy a lot of what Miami has to offer. Until NIL became a thing. When you've got $10 in your checking account, $1 beer night at the local college bar in Gainesville is about the best thing you can expect. When you've got a 6 or 7 figure NIL package, the city of Miami and all the incredible experiences that come with it are now readily available to you. There's no bigger example of a big fish in a small pond than a college football player in a college town. Those guys run their cities and everyone bends over backwards for them. A college football player in a major market was just another broke college kid until now.
This is another narrative that has been promoted. People act like everyone that is partying in Miami is ballin and poppin bottles. I work around plenty of young people who live with middle and low income parents. They’re always out hanging an having fun. High end clubs aren’t the only thing to do here.

This entire college experience is way overrated. All my friend that went to these college towns say after 2 years they were sick of it and never go back.
I have 2 nephews and one went to undergrad and the other to medical school up there and they never go back or mention wanting to go back. They couldn’t wait to get out of there.
The football players? They never go back there either.

Wait till we’re on sports center every week and out the players are all Americans and award winners.
I’d rather be here than anywhere else.
And stop with this “your a god at Bama and Athens”

Id rather be chillin down here than being worshiped at the local watering hole in tuskkaloosa. I guess the players don’t have to wait in line at the Cracker Barrel.

If anyone had the opportunity to ask former college players about their experience in college, would you rather ask someone on any Miami national championship team or the dudes on the natty teams at Bama or uga?
You sound like half the girls I dated. “Overrated”. Save that for your husbands you dirty dirty girls 🍆
Considering most won't even make a practice squad, you better pick somewhere for a degree and the fun thay can be had for four years. While everyone's idea of fun is different, I'd say it's incredibly naive to say the potential college experience isn't a big *** factor.
This is another narrative that has been promoted. People act like everyone that is partying in Miami is ballin and poppin bottles. I work around plenty of young people who live with middle and low income parents. They’re always out hanging an having fun. High end clubs aren’t the only thing to do here.
Yeah but just hanging out at someone's house or a local dive bar isn't what sells people on Miami. You can literally do that sort of thing anywhere. Just think of the average Friday night out for a college kid who's 21 or over. You probably grab a bite to eat with your friends or girl and then you might do a little bar hopping or clubbing. Nothing extravagant, just a nice night out. That's going to cost you twice as much money in Miami as it would in most small college towns. You'll have a lot more options but it's going to cost a **** of a lot more. Just look at something like renting an apartment in Miami vs Tuscaloosa. It costs a lot of money to live here.
Most of the time, "college expereince" is just a pretext excuse for bags.

Besides, the concept of "getting away to avoid trouble" is silly. Most of these kids will get into MORE trouble elsewhere, especially dade kids. I'd argue that those kids would be more watched over at a place like Miami than a place in SEC country where they're just another number on the roster. If they went to school in Miami, you have a school with loads of community contacts and resources for support. And besides, the HC at Miami (or coaches on the roster) have eyes and ears everywhere so they can be in front of bad things happening more often than not,
Those kids who are serious about their craft and reasonably interested in school have little time to other things. Once our Taj Mahal is complete our kids will always be there when not in class. That is the culture Mario is building.
Did anybody see the #BoatDay video that Miami posted on Twitter a few weeks back?

It was pretty cool.
One of the coaches is heard shouting "when you come to The U, this is how you livin!"