Coley tweet

@scoley3: Its all about The []_[]!!!

He just tweeted this a couple minutes ago, he's got to be trolling, two tweets out of the blue.
I'm ashamed to admit that I just went and looked. He's been shouting out love to all the Florida schools in the last 24 hours. I don't think this means anything. Still, nice to see a mention.
Kid just playing games. This is one where just expect the worst, hope for the best. We rarely ever win these battles.
the last couple of days he's been tweeting FloridaBoy & FloridaBoy4Life.....he tweeted that after the Miami tweet but I'm not sure i could just be looking into it too much. I feel like it's going to be Florida in the end but pbviously FSU js a right there if not the leader, unless Another Golden Miracle occurs...lots of time for things to change
it's not a fake account he has 4500 followers and has conversations w. Kelvin Taylor and VH3 plus other recurits