Thank you, Captain Mind Reader. What would I do without my shadow? I swear, I took a wizz three towns over today and could have sworn I heard you behind me. Pretty creepy.
" turns out he's profe...." man shut the he'll up. You all up in here smelling like fabric softener and fabreeze trying to get some dam attention.
I get enough attention in my life. Enough that I don't need to stalk another dude on a football message board. You follow me around like a lost puppy, and it's getting old. I don't know what your deal is, but you need to seek serious, professional help. It is not healthy. Whatever grudge you have against me, you need to let it go, man. I come here to get information on my Canes, and to get a few laughs. Yes, and to be laughed at when I say something stupid. I'm man enough to admit that not everything that crosses my brain makes sense. What's worse, though, is a man following another man around trying to start fights on a message board. Have you ever stopped and thought, "Why the **** am I doing this?" Seriously, what's the point?
Life is too short to spend it stalking someone. Maybe if you were a nice person you wouldn't have to hide in the virtual bushes, waiting to jump out and expose yourself. But you're not a nice person, are you? Good, honest, nice people don't stalk other people. There is a reason they stay away from you. Look in the mirror and figure out why that is. Why is it you follow a man from one site to another? Why are you obsessed with the words of another man? I just don't get it.