Coaching Coaching Carousel 2023-2024 - Not Miami Related

Will UCLA draw interest from any big names? Saw someone mention Jedd Fisch already. That'd be crazy.
Am seeing names like PJ Fleck and Tom Herman tossed around. It's really not a great gig. They haven't figured out NIL and project to be a bottom feeder heading into the BIG. Chip's recruiting (or lack thereof) really put them behind the eight ball.

Man.. Michigan really broke Ohio State. These dudes are just going full Dubai-mode for next season.

UCLA should just hire the best candidate on the west coast who knows how to recruit. I know they won’t because his past but even Tosh Lupoi just get someone who crushes it with talent acquisition
I live in a house divided, as my wife is a UCLA alum full of a family of UCLA alum.

Here is a bit more of the history, which makes the move and timing more obvious even if strange, and even in recognition of his recent comments on the state of the NCAA.

UCLA has an athletic department being run like Blake James was here. They essentially told Chip at the end of the season though they were not firing him they could have. That is got to be one of the stupidest things you can say even if everybody might’ve figured out that he was on a hot seat. so he knew he was dead Man walking and honestly probably only saved his job by beating USC unexpectedly.

It’s almost coaching our practice by their administration by telling him that so overtly, and as you know things that should be done eventually should be done now.

So Chip was actively trying to get an offensive coordinator position in the NFL, which is why he wasn’t the first person to go to Ohio State most likely. He then struck out after being a second-place runner-up for a couple of positions and then the whole Bill O’Brien thing happens. He has a long history with Ryan day and he took the exit no way, though he might give up some money this year. He was likely to be unemployed the year after, he gets to focus more on the fence and less on the administration and could see if he can redeem himself to maybe get a move to the NFL again or at least just less stress while still being in a premier spot with somebody he’s friends with, and was actually a mentor to

UCLA athletic department **** themselves and Chip Kelly then rammed it in harder. They were alumni base, which did not like chip Kelly at all and hasn’t given from the booster level the way it was necessary is now going to be even more screwed and I either have to step up and have a moment like Miami did or be content on the football side, competing alongside the level of Indiana, and Purdue in their new move.

UCLA has so much potential but they’ve been saying that for 30 years or more at this point. A lot of the economic problems would be solved by the move to the big 10 but money doesn’t solve everything as we know.
OSU needs to win the title next year, or be a few plays from winning it. I'm not sure Day can survive if they lose after all the money they've spent. Imagine if they lose to Michigan also.

I understand all of the points being made about UCLA, Chip possibly being fired next year, etc. But it's telling if this is the best escape plan he could come up with. If OSU flames out next year, and Day gets fired, then Chip is in a much worse position than he would have been had he stayed at UCLA, even if he would have been fired from there.
FK!!!! Jerry Kill resigned! **** it man, that's terrible news. My Aggies finally had good back to back seasons.