Coaching Carousel 2021-2022 - Not Miami Related (locked)

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Virginia Tech is loading up. Lambert to Wake Forest gives them two outstanding coordinators next season.

The ACC will be, as always, unpredictable and very interesting next season.
VT loading up? I'm not blown away by their staff so far. The way I see it, they either get crazy lucky and get a massive ROI, or they suffer the consequences of going cheap.
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If UCLA can’t afford Chip, they definitely can’t afford Lane lol.

Unless they just really don’t like Chip & are only acting like they’re broke just to get him out of town lol

I think Harbaugh will leverage the NFL for a new Michigan contract, the fact he made it to the playoffs the year after he restructured his deal & took less money means he’s got a ton of leverage when he goes back to the negotiating table.

He may leave UM if they’re not willing to give him a Lincoln Riley type deal & the Raiders or Bears are willing to give him a $100million dollar contract.
UCLA is at a massive crossroads staring them in the face. Your arch rival USC just shook the entire landscape of CFB landing Riley and you wake up and realize you have Chip Kelly who has been mediocre at best in a weak conference and lo and behold Kelly's buyout drops to zero on the 15th....It's an AD's dream scenario to be able to change coaches with no buyout at the exact moment you want/need to change. The AD has to make a dramatic move now to keep pace. Also of note the current AD did not hire Kelly since he was just hired in 2020. I think Lane jumps at that job just to play USC every year and wouldn't be surprised if a deal wasn't already in the works.
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