Coach Richardson quote- SAYS IT ALL


GreenTree All-American
Jan 25, 2012
this is from a 24/7 story talking about the RB's but was asked this question in referense to the team

What do you feel like is the biggest in the difference in the team right now compared to this point last year?

"There is no nonsense going on. Guys are focused and working hard. They are going about their business in a professional manner. They all know what is expected and they are doing their best to meet those standards. Everybody is going in the same direction. Guys are unselfish and they are hungry and want to win."

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Yes....thank nonsense for the first time since 03 or 04 would be an amazing thing
Sounds great. But not the first time I've heard it. Hopefully it's true this time.


Last year it was "All the players, especially the upperclassmen, are buying into the new staff."

Now it's "guys last year didn't buy into the new staff and were lazy."

Maybe last year was just some PR or trying to get guys to buy in. But it's been said plenty of times. Prove it.
Sounds great. But not the first time I've heard it. Hopefully it's true this time.

Yup. Hopefully as the team turns over and it becomes more focused on kids this staff actually recruited, we will see these things pay off.
I trust this staff. Its not going to be a quick fix with how screwed up the roster was when golden took over
Cant Say much for last year, some of the seniors may have bought into the program, but it was obvious who didnt, they were drafted 6-7 rounds or undrafted all together. The younger these kids are the more they will buy in, the true test will be these Sophmores and Freshmen as Seniors and Juniors leading the team, thats when Goldens work is gonna show.
Sounds great. But not the first time I've heard it. Hopefully it's true this time.


Last year it was "All the players, especially the upperclassmen, are buying into the new staff."

Now it's "guys last year didn't buy into the new staff and were lazy."

Maybe last year was just some PR or trying to get guys to buy in. But it's been said plenty of times. Prove it.

couldnt of said it better..
I don't remember the coaches saying last year that everyone was buying in.That's a load of crap.Throw some quotes on here to prove it.This year we got rid of the 6 selfish draftees that left early,we got rid of the pot smoking entourage from last year and this year and I truly believe we'll have a really focused team this year.

We have the most obnoxious,****head fans in college football.Go read other team's forums,they aren't as nearly as negative as you guys are man.

Good post UnuffSaid,Thanks Man.
I don't remember the coaches saying last year that everyone was buying in.That's a load of crap.Throw some quotes on here to prove it.This year we got rid of the 6 selfish draftees that left early,we got rid of the pot smoking entourage from last year and this year and I truly believe we'll have a really focused team this year.

We have the most obnoxious,****head fans in college football.Go read other team's forums,they aren't as nearly as negative as you guys are man.

Good post UnuffSaid,Thanks Man.
being positive ain't gon change nothin'. the fux you talkin bout?