Coach L - Matt Cross (old news) - BOY WAS I DEAD WRONG

Still doesn’t make much sense, but glad to hear it wasn’t that. In the new paradigm for social discourse in our country, you can’t really speak too freely about certain concerns or problems, or simply make observations, because the “R” word gets thrown at ya. And I don’t mean “R”egret, although I have some.
I understand it doesn’t rise to the level of what Rosa Parks and others faced, but being a white athlete on a team that is mostly not, presents some challenges that didn’t exist until recently. For example, when most of the team kneels, and for whatever personal reasons or beliefs some don’t join in and Team Unity can be affected. There was some drama at the “U” fairly recently, and Lykes and others were involved. I wish we could amiably and peacefully discuss these issues, but I’ve probably said way too much already. Peace Out.
what does team unity have to do with anything : does team unity mean you are not entitled to your own opinion : I don't get it

Well, when your brothers feel that they can't count on you, then that's a problem. I'm sorry, but when your brothers that you lift with, you fight with, you work with every day are standing up for the right to exist in this nation, and you are either passive towards it or openly hostile, then that's a huge issue.

Is Matt Cross that way? Who knows, but I find it weird when a talented guy is booted from a team and the team seems to play harder, tougher and with more cohesion than what they did before he left. Maybe Cross was a bad fit, and that's why the program had to move on. Do I like Matt's game? **** yes, he's a guy with a bright future but no one is bigger than the program.
Hey they are teammates not brothers, how many brothers have transferred out , and gone on to better situations for themselves : Good grief folks its sports : you got kids transferring in and out of even High Schools, and basically telling their brothers, I got a better deal somewhere else, thanks for the memories :
While we are discussing "bench" I am perplexed by Beverly. I rag on him a lot (cause he does so many bad things that hurt us at both ends) but wish I could cheer wildly. I had high hopes. When he is not dogging it, he is super fast and agile, and so fluid, a bit like Lonnie. He played a lot (and started) earlier, perhaps that was an injury call, but he was regularly starting over Cross for several games... (maybe that was Cross' beef?)

...I think Coach L (gave up/ finally) realized the liability he is, and cut his PT greatly last 2 games, and we beat Duke and as close to beating VT as you can if you don't look at the sports page results. Anyone think he can wake up, and be a huge contributor, or is his ceiling behind him?
what does team unity have to do with anything : does team unity mean you are not entitled to your own opinion : I don't get it
There's a difference between disagreeing about whether pineapple belongs on a pizza, and the right of the majority of your teammates to exist as full participants in this democracy. If Cross was going full MAGA or something, I could see why that would be a problem on a team in which the wide majority of players are people of color. That said, we don't know anything for sure, he could have just been your run of the mill jackass, with no toxic political stances whatsoever. Who knows.
There's a difference between disagreeing about whether pineapple belongs on a pizza, and the right of the majority of your teammates to exist as full participants in this democracy. If Cross was going full MAGA or something, I could see why that would be a problem on a team in which the wide majority of players are people of color. That said, we don't know anything for sure, he could have just been your run of the mill jackass, with no toxic political stances whatsoever. Who knows.
Again, what's the problem, everybody in this country has the right to exercise their rights and opinions. I think it sucks that Nike is producing shoes in a country that is oppressive as ****, most don't have a problem with it. Okay, that's their opinion, I refuse to buy Nike products, that's my recourse.
bragging ric flair GIF
I don’t think this is a bad basketball team. They’ve obviously improved from earlier in the season (no way we look as bad against Dayton and UCF if we played them again), but that feels a bit on the generous side. Is the ACC just that down again this season?

On the original thread topic, I still can’t wrap my head around dismissing a player midseason for being difficult to coach when you only had 7 healthy bodies available.
I don’t think this is a bad basketball team. They’ve obviously improved from earlier in the season (no way we look as bad against Dayton and UCF if we played them again), but that feels a bit on the generous side. Is the ACC just that down again this season?

On the original thread topic, I still can’t wrap my head around dismissing a player midseason for being difficult to coach when you only had 7 healthy bodies available.
No one knows the story
I don’t think this is a bad basketball team. They’ve obviously improved from earlier in the season (no way we look as bad against Dayton and UCF if we played them again), but that feels a bit on the generous side. Is the ACC just that down again this season?

On the original thread topic, I still can’t wrap my head around dismissing a player midseason for being difficult to coach when you only had 7 healthy bodies available.

You never saw Hoosiers?