Class Impact: Chamon Metayer to Miami

And you have the nerve to talk **** about other places being ******? I love Detroit, my dad’s side of the family is from the D, but god**** is that place a landfill. East Cleveland looks like a paradise compared to the east side of Detroit. I used to go up there a couple times a year to ride Slow Roll, I miss that. I hope they eventually bring it back. Detroit is like that favorite gang-banger cousin that stays in and out of prison, but is your favorite and you love them regardless of their ****ed up ways.
I kinda think your parents may just really not want people to visit them lol
You may be right. I’m the only one of their kids that consistently goes down there. I can only tolerate being for 2 or 3 days before I have to come back to the potholes and gunshots of NE Ohio.
I’ve been to auburn, Columbus, and Cincinnati. I’m taking both Ohio cities over Auburn every single day of the week.

Outside of those two cities Ohio blowwwwwsss. Cleveland is **** on earth.
What’s so bad about Cleveland to you?