CIS Update: Recruit Database, Videos and Roster Get Upgraded

Awesome work guys, really appreciate it! Was wondering if the eligibility chart could be updated too please.

Yes, after I fix the initial bugs I plan on updating the eligibility chart to a similar format

all the heights and weights for the current roster appear to be when the players were ENTERING miami.

Yeah, I am not sure exactly how I want to handle this. I am think on the list show their current weight but have both weights on their profile. I think its interesting to see how players a certain size turned out after a few years of school. I will add college weight this weekend.

Awesome tool.. would be great if the roster could be sortable by position, weight, year, etc.. not just filtering by one position at a time..

Also I see a lot of 2016 guys showing uncommitted or to the wrong school. Perhaps you just need a few volunteers to help clean things up.

thanks again.

I can add a sort per column. Currently it sorts by rating before and after any filter. I took a backup of the old recruit database shortly after NSD so I or someone else still needs to update some of the ones that weren't updated. I had thought I had UM's class correct.

If you guys find anything else feel free to post in this thread!
