This is EXACTLY what caused WEZ to be removed and almost destroyed.
It's not Andrew.
It's some candya$$ that complained, then another, and probably another. Complained, bellyached, b11tched and moaned, wept, and continued the weeping and gnashing of teeth until it became ALMOST intolerable.
The best response to these candya$$eS who are offended - tell them, "Don't like it? F*** Off! Problem solved!"
My personal response is that I apologize to anyone who I may have yet to offend - and I beg your patience - I'll get around to you later. Rest assured.
Grow up - or get out!
Owners and Mods have built up a really fine site - and the last thing we need is a couple of jurk-off pud-pullers to find means and methods to "be offended." YOU are offensive!
You wouldn't feed your Johnson into the pickle slicer, would you? Well if a few words here and there offend you - DON'T COME HERE!"