Chris Lykes enters the Portal

Good comparison.

Earl seemed to me to be a lot stronger physically, and with his ball handling, than Chris has shown to date. Also Earl was a very good assist man, whereas Chris has always seemed to be "shoot first." Obviously, both have/had big defensive limitations.

Yeah but coming off the bench, Earl was instant offense. In the NBA, you have to find and excel in a role quickly to stay in the league.

I actually think Lykes handled the ball as well as Angel R and was more accurate from 3 and Hero Ball in general; maybe the same at FTs. Real hard when any bigman underneath is butter fingers as in "hey whats this" when you pass to him. Both seemed to drive in and draw a foul better than most, but somehow it was a bit more frenetic with Lykes. Not sure I will miss him though especially since I believe he was able to chase Matt Cross out but just couldnt get Blake to kick Coach L out, who is looking more and more overdue.
What happened with him and Cross?
What happened with him and Cross?
I second that question. Cross and Lykes really never played together so how could there have been friction? You talking something off the court?

As for Cross, I know he was a true freshman and therefore likely felt he had to show deference to the upperclassmen on the team but ... I think everyone concerned would have been more than pleased if Cross had asserted himself more.

He seemed way too deferential too often, passing up multiple open shots. This, in games when no one else could hit the broad side of the barn! I mean, I can't believe Coach L told him not to shoot in those circumstances. Probably just the opposite. Had me scratching my head.
Fake Adidas scandal destroyed Coach L and this program. Time to rebuild.
My 4 year old handles adversity better than University of Miami athletics. When I reprimand her for swiping cookies before dinner she'll cry and be moody for 10 minutes and then shake if off. Miami athletics runs into fake scandals and uses them as an excuse to suck for a decade+. Football still hasn't bounced back from Nevin Shapiro giving Jacory $20.
Not to sound bitter here, but I really don't see how Chris can say he's done all he could here. Never even won a single tournament game.

We all know he's leaving because he's tired of being part of the circus. I respect that, I'd even probably do the same if I were him, but don't lie to me.
probably looking at the roster, and saying this is going to be another rebuild job next year
I second that question. Cross and Lykes really never played together so how could there have been friction? You talking something off the court?

As for Cross, I know he was a true freshman and therefore likely felt he had to show deference to the upperclassmen on the team but ... I think everyone concerned would have been more than pleased if Cross had asserted himself more.

He seemed way too deferential too often, passing up multiple open shots. This, in games when no one else could hit the broad side of the barn! I mean, I can't believe Coach L told him not to shoot in those circumstances. Probably just the opposite. Had me scratching my head.
actually Cross looked out of place, he seemed to be the only out there that actually knew how to play : that dribble hand off 3 guard fronts didn't seemed to fit his style : kid was more of pass, cut, move off the ball :
him going pro never made any sense. he wasn't gonna get any taller. I still think he ends up in the g league or Europe even after another year
Why are some of you acting surprised? It's been pretty common knowledge that Lykes was looking to leave the program. No one, not even the coaches at UM, should be surprised or mad that Chris Lykes or any other player for that matter has chosen to move on. Program has been doing a lot of losing lately and has been on a downward spiral for 3 years with no end in sight. I'm surprised some of these players stuck around for as long as they did.
I hadn’t heard that Lyke’s was looking to leave.
him going pro never made any sense. he wasn't gonna get any taller. I still think he ends up in the g league or Europe even after another year

That's exactly why he should have gone pro. His major weakness isn't something that can be corrected by another year in college.
It’s never been more clear and obvious that it’s time to part ways with L.

Yet here we are sitting on our hands while we watch this program spiral further and further out of control and down the drain. Shameful.
That's because the administration is likely still putting in so much stock into what L did back in 2013. Although he was an upgrade from his predecessor, it's apparent that L's time has passed and it's time to move in a different direction.