Cheez-It Bowl: Oklahoma State v Miami

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Pretty simple to play defense against us when you know you don't even have to worry about 8 or 6 beating you at all ever. All your focus can go into the tight ends, Harley and the running game. Pretty easy gameplan

Even if they know it's going to the TEs, having both Mallory and Jordan on the field at the same time is still a mismatch for almost any defense. The O should feast.
Also think that Manny took over defensive play calling. It’s been night and day since the 1Q.
If that's true, it's how many times now? He's a defensive guy so he's gotta be ****ed at having to do it. I think Baker's gone if true.
Kosi has evolved in Jacorry Harris “lite” with his patented lob every single throw regardless of situation. FML
I wish Lashlee would take that long pass and dive up the centers *** out the playbook.Neither one of them has gained a yard all year..
dude. He called a screen that wouldve gone for 6 if his WR didnt have cinder blocks for hands
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