Charlie Strong LB's coach


85% of my takes are good
15% of them are bad.
You just like me because I get you guys a ton of views when I make a bad take 😅

When they first got here some of us went out deep sea fishing & u should've seen these old *** country boys. They were literally in paradise. This isn't some flash in the pan job for them. They love it here and we as a university,as an alumni base & as a fan base will all love having them here as well.
This brings joy to my eyes.

Thanks for all of your info, Cane.
85% of my takes are good
15% of them are bad.

I get little love on my good takes outside of a few people and get absolutely massacred on my bad takes.

This board after I make a bad take
crowd riot GIF
Ok. But look at the stances you're choosing to make... That's crazy unless you just trying to get people started up. All this positivity & you choose to take a stance literally on one of the most liked coaches on the staff who is killing it where it matters. As you said you don't see him on social media and talked about etc yet you don't see him on social media like that either... Take a second and think how does this correlate. You don't see addae like that either or steel. Some people just ain't on that. We aren't struggling in any capacity. Charlie has had popo locked in for 2 weeks,another kid for more than a month, same with addae. They ain't worried about fan perceptions on this side no more. Either have faith in we gonna be just fine or sit back and enjoy silence rather than broadcast that negativity.
Ok. But look at the stances you're choosing to make... That's crazy unless you just trying to get people started up. All this positivity & you choose to take a stance literally on one of the most liked coaches on the staff who is killing it where it matters. As you said you don't see him on social media and talked about etc yet you don't see him on social media like that either... Take a second and think how does this correlate. You don't see addae like that either or steel. Some people just ain't on that. We aren't struggling in any capacity. Charlie has had popo locked in for 2 weeks,another kid for more than a month, same with addae. They ain't worried about fan perceptions on this side no more. Either have faith in we gonna be just fine or sit back and enjoy silence rather than broadcast that negativity.

Ok. But look at the stances you're choosing to make... That's crazy unless you just trying to get people started up. All this positivity & you choose to take a stance literally on one of the most liked coaches on the staff who is killing it where it matters. As you said you don't see him on social media and talked about etc yet you don't see him on social media like that either... Take a second and think how does this correlate. You don't see addae like that either or steel. Some people just ain't on that. We aren't struggling in any capacity. Charlie has had popo locked in for 2 weeks,another kid for more than a month, same with addae. They ain't worried about fan perceptions on this side no more. Either have faith in we gonna be just fine or sit back and enjoy silence rather than broadcast that negativity.
Fair enough
You guys overreact to everything. I simply made a comment saying I haven't heard much about strong on the recruiting trail and was wondering if this could be a one in done situation. And you guys take it like I'm calling him a bum, saying he needs to be fired. What's funny is I was one of the first people to bring up Strong as a possible Co-DC/LB coach and got called an idiot left and right and now after we hired him I bring up the fact I haven't heard much about him recruiting and wondered if this could be a 1 year type of thing I get **** for that . I never questioned strong the coach one bit. I simply asked about his recruiting because I haven't heard anything about him.
You used his sparce social presence as justification.... just stop dude.
And I said I was my misinformed and it was my bad. That's were people overact, I get it if you want to make a joke or something then leave it at that but some of you guys just go on and on.
Because you're the running joke. You're the running joke that just keeps on going and going and going.... you're almost like Oregon Tears at this point.
Funny, but dumb, irrelevant and about to be in the rear view mirror.
85% of my takes are good
15% of them are bad.

I get little love on my good takes outside of a few people and get absolutely massacred on my bad takes.

This board after I make a bad take
crowd riot GIF
100% of your takes are awful and you peddle the same nonsense on 247 as well. The difference is, you pay to porst there and everyone on that site has the IQ of negative potato
100% of your takes are awful and you peddle the same nonsense on 247 as well. The difference is, you pay to porst there and everyone on that site has the IQ of negative potato
Is he the canemiacang305 or whatever his name is that you ripped the other day on there? I try to stick to reading the gator board but will venture onto the Miami board a little and that guy might be the top poRster anywhere. Just horrific to read and poRsts non-stop