Official Changes to NSD

A before the season signing day has been in the works since the first year of the transfer portal. The blowback the NCAA got from that, led to this. Coaches want to get kids locked up so they don’t have to spend that time recruiting them from last minute suitors when they’re already having to re recruit their own roster.

I’m not saying it’s smart, in fact I think it’s too early. Just saying this isn’t the NCAA acting alone. They got some pressure on this.

IMO they should just have a couple day long window in august for early signings to happen.

I can appreciate some kids want to get their recruiting over with before the start of their senior year, but this extra signing period would create more problems than it solves. HS senior opt outs... additional transfers after post-season staff changes... more kids trying to get out of their NLIs... weird timing issues created for OVs... coaches having to worry about yet another signing period right after spring ball and the May transfer portal window....

Even if you wanted to give them a third signing period, June still doesn't make any sense. They'd have to completely change the recruiting calendar, dead periods, etc.... I might understand the first week of August, but that still creates a ton of issues. I just don't see that the need for this extra early signing period outweighs the harm caused by it.
It would be fascinating to watch. Some guys coaches will want to sign in June, but the players will want to ride it out. Some players will want to sign in June, but coaches will want to see how their senior season goes and/or how their class develops. I think it would make sense for CERTAIN guys. Your class ambassadors—the Duke Johnson types and a lot of QBs—who are solid, don't want to take visits, don't want other coaches bugging them, and who the coaches want off the board.

But yeah, could create more chaos. I could see a lot of drama with guys asking out of their NLI in December and a lot of tampering. I don't hate the idea "in theory" if it were well thought out—the two signing days being 6 weeks apart never made sense to me—but this is the NCAA, so not a lot of hope. Maybe they put a limit on the number of guys you can sign in June. Like 5. Pick your top 5 guys who are willing to sign early and get them in the boat.

I've always reasoned to create some kind of in-between mechanism. Like when you give a verbal (and maybe sign something) it bars other schools from contacting you, your team can publicly talk about you, maybe you get an extra visit or two to your committed school, maybe some kind of NIL benefit; but if you ever change your mind, you can still back out of it. It's not binding til you sign the NLI. Like an engagement vs marriage. You're publicly committed, but there's still time to back out.

Napier and Norvell desperately want this based on their classes imploding the last couple years late.
Top schools are tired of Mario and Hugh Freeze flipping their guys already lol.

They are about 2 years too late for Mario though because the relationships are already built for the ‘25 kids at the top of his board. It’s almost inevitable
Yes, you can come up with rationales for this, but in the end , these are just Hail Mary’s being thrown by an organization which has in many functional ways already lost most of its authority, as well as whatever leadership position they had

Their latest decrees of the last few months, just look like sad attempts to remain relevant while they slowly circle the drain. Face it, their credibility is **** right now.

Once you lose respect, authority, and credibility, you are cooked.
I can understand end of july but some kids graduate the start of june. They need time to visit

Not sure I'm following.

I understand it as if it started now, Class of 2025 kid could sign before their Sr. year in June and wrap up commitment.

As some have pointed out, this could cause a 5* to opt out Sr. year and so many other bad scenarios.
Earlier signing day is GOOD for Miami. Helps us keep local kids a little easier

Perhaps you are right, I honestly do not see a lot of your top 200 kids or so signing earlier than the current early signing day. There could obviously be a few here and there that are truly locked in that just want to sign and move on, but I see most of the guys everyone is after enjoying the process.
Perhaps you are right, I honestly do not see a lot of your top 200 kids or so signing earlier than the current early signing day. There could obviously be a few here and there that are truly locked in that just want to sign and move on, but I see most of the guys everyone is after enjoying the process.

True. It doesn't help with the Jeremiah Smith's of the world, but it does help with the Amari Coopers.

The rule change benefits teams with a lot of local talent (Miami, UF, FSU, Georgia, USC, Texas, etc) because it shortens the evaluation window. If you're able to identify a rising star before they blow up, and you can wow them on a summer visit (Mario has shown he can do that) then it benefits you for that population of kids.