Change of perspective- Mario edition


All day cane
Jul 19, 2016
So mixed emotions writing this.
I have been a Canes fan since 1991. Just like everyone else it is just one nut punch after another. GT loss just was sickening.

So I am changing my perspective and it I hope it will help me. As long as Mario is coach I am going to act like our season is recruiting. So tomorrow is our national championship game.

The games are like recruiting- don’t get too down and let it ruin my day if we lose.

Kidding- maybe- need another year to decide.
My line of thinking on this has always been simple - three years. I believe every coach needs at least three years to upgrade talent and overhaul the roster, improve and stress the importance of culture, find the right coaching staff hires, etc. I haven’t completely given up on Mario yet, like some, and I have no issues with someone feeling that way, but I do think next year is the year we need to see huge leaps in wins/progress….and I honestly think we will.
That's a fair assessment and I like it. Mario needs to change his day game coaching philosophy if he wants to be a winner. I hope he can do it but next year is the time to do it. If we get the right QB and the modern day offensive coaching prowess we should be able to contend for the ACC Championshionship.
Some of y'all just mope too **** much. Seriously, at least try to be happy once in a while. I would love to front the money to buy some of y'all a hot hooker, but I feel like it would be a waste because you'd probably just sit there and talk about your feelings with her. Holy ****!
He just needs another 1-2 years. Mostly for mental toughness for 1 through our 2-3 string. PLUS recruit and add more talent.

We will at least be Oregon. I think we can be better.

We easily could have won 2, even 3 more games this year with a better QB this year. It won't be that hard to improve over TVD. He was ok, and had little heart or fire. He wasn't bad, nor was he great.

Had we won even 2 more games (1 was actually won). We would be where most of us thought we should be ending the season before the bowl game.
angry adam sandler GIF
I think the program is going in the right direction. Minus the GT game, Mario hasn’t been terrible in 2024. Should be 8-4 right now. Nice improvement from 5-7. Anything leas then 10-3 next year is a bust.
That's a fair assessment and I like it. Mario needs to change his day game coaching philosophy if he wants to be a winner. I hope he can do it but next year is the time to do it. If we get the right QB and the modern day offensive coaching prowess we should be able to contend for the ACC Championshionship.
Some mighty big IFS in there.
Some of y'all just mope too **** much. Seriously, at least try to be happy once in a while. I would love to front the money to buy some of y'all a hot hooker, but I feel like it would be a waste because you'd probably just sit there and talk about your feelings with her. Holy ****!
This was an episode on Two and a Half Men with Alan and a hooker.
So mixed emotions writing this.
I have been a Canes fan since 1991. Just like everyone else it is just one nut punch after another. GT loss just was sickening.

So I am changing my perspective and it I hope it will help me. As long as Mario is coach I am going to act like our season is recruiting. So tomorrow is our national championship game.

The games are like recruiting- don’t get too down and let it ruin my day if we lose.

Kidding- maybe- need another year to decide.

This program has been a broke joke for almost 20 years now.

Low-rent hire after low-rent hire as Donna Shalala spent 15 years with her kill-what-you-eat approach to athletics, which resulted in keeping Coker around too long, tossing the keys to the not-ready-for-prime-time Shannon or Golden and viewing football as a necessary evil in Coral Gables. (That doesn't even count the post-Shalala era, where over-the-hill Richt and man-child Diaz wasted six years of precious time.)

This program has literally had money and a "proven" head coach—opposed to the up-and-comer attitude that defined Miami going back to the '70s—for literally two years.

Time to stop this running two-decade "rebuilding" clock and realize things literally didn't get real until December 2021 when Diaz was sent packing and a jet was sent to Eugene, Oregon to bring Mario home.

The dude is a masterful recruiter and people bust his balls about game day decisions. Great, they said the same thing about Butch Davis and that turned out just fine.

We're going into year three of a program that's been an abortion since George W. Bush's second term started. Give it a minute.
Going through the Butch era was tougher. Went from being National Champs to a few rough years with sanctions added. He said he had a 5 year plan and delivered. Mario is following his blueprint that Saban used. Always saw this as a 4 year build.