Chaminade vs Central

Not saying nothing happened but right now just the normal cast of people on twitter. I also found @TheOriginalCane Happy Thursday post a bit odd, he dont care enough about 80% of the board to wish everyone a happy day and said he was hoping that september song would be on D$ pod so I was thinking something might be brewing but looking into the tweet seems like the same gang of characters all with the vagueness.

After he posted that dude called X on twitter chimed in saying he cancelled the flights of hartline and day and Mike responded saying they better find a way because the pressure is seriously on and X said "my dawg about to pull up on Jeremiah, Jojo and Quan today just vibe" and Mike commented back with a joke like oh I see you know something. Mike also said something about the fans getting on Jeremiah (in a good way) about staying home.

X also sent out a few tweets saying I know a certain someone who isnt happy about his situation in college but tagged someone else to keep quiet and also shouted out KB saying watch him work. Tejada said something about ""they" better hope Miami doesnt keep winning as well,

Restrepo also tweeted out giving shout outs to Jojo and then one for JJ with a hand covering its mouth emoji, two exclamations and a laughing face. All vague twitter ish.
Always Sunny Reaction GIF

Since 2025 WR Board is packed. Do the Canes have room for JJ, Chance, Trader, Wingo and Innis? Asking for a friend.