2023 Cedric “CJ” Baxter (c/o 2023)

Arch been working him hard for two months. That being said I'm not worried.
Just For Laughs Lol GIF by America's Funniest Home Videos

I was in Spaces this morning and they brought up who I'm assuming is Baxter's handler or 7on7 coach. From Orlando. He spoke about how we're in the top 4 schools as well as TexA&M, Texas, and UF. Tashard Choice was the first coach to offer thus a very close relationship with Ced; he also has a cool big brother swag that the kids like. Says that Baxter is still deciding where to go. Previous staff didnt even recruit him, no surprise there, so we're kinda making up ground. Broke down the difference between us and a school with $$$, Texas was the example -- it's quite a noticeable drop-off. To go along with his Texas comments, he said that Prairie View A&M has either better facilities or a better campus(cant remember) than ours as of now. The coach doesn't dislike Miami and actually had great things to say about Mario & the staff.
I was in Spaces this morning and they brought up who I'm assuming is Baxter's handler or 7on7 coach. From Orlando. He spoke about how we're in the top 4 schools as well as TexA&M, Texas, and UF. Tashard Choice was the first coach to offer thus a very close relationship with Ced; he also has a cool big brother swag that the kids like. Says that Baxter is still deciding where to go. Previous staff didnt even recruit him, no surprise there, so we're kinda making up ground. Broke down the difference between us and a school with $$$, Texas was the example -- it's quite a noticeable drop-off. To go along with his Texas comments, he said that Prairie View A&M has either better facilities or a better campus(cant remember) than ours as of now. The coach doesn't dislike Miami and actually had great things to say about Mario & the staff.
Onto the next one
I was in Spaces this morning and they brought up who I'm assuming is Baxter's handler or 7on7 coach. From Orlando. He spoke about how we're in the top 4 schools as well as TexA&M, Texas, and UF. Tashard Choice was the first coach to offer thus a very close relationship with Ced; he also has a cool big brother swag that the kids like. Says that Baxter is still deciding where to go. Previous staff didnt even recruit him, no surprise there, so we're kinda making up ground. Broke down the difference between us and a school with $$$, Texas was the example -- it's quite a noticeable drop-off. To go along with his Texas comments, he said that Prairie View A&M has either better facilities or a better campus(cant remember) than ours as of now. The coach doesn't dislike Miami and actually had great things to say about Mario & the staff.
At face value, sounds pretty anti-Cane. Prairie View also recently redid 90,000 square feet of their facility for $60 million, let’s not act like they are the typical FCS program.

Of course without that context, that’s what his statement implies and provides built-in ammo for them.
I was in Spaces this morning and they brought up who I'm assuming is Baxter's handler or 7on7 coach. From Orlando. He spoke about how we're in the top 4 schools as well as TexA&M, Texas, and UF. Tashard Choice was the first coach to offer thus a very close relationship with Ced; he also has a cool big brother swag that the kids like. Says that Baxter is still deciding where to go. Previous staff didnt even recruit him, no surprise there, so we're kinda making up ground. Broke down the difference between us and a school with $$$, Texas was the example -- it's quite a noticeable drop-off. To go along with his Texas comments, he said that Prairie View A&M has either better facilities or a better campus(cant remember) than ours as of now. The coach doesn't dislike Miami and actually had great things to say about Mario & the staff.
Was the guys name Thomas. Hes one of Baxters coaches and also a close friend. Ive been waiting for him to come to my bar so I can ask a few questions.
At face value, sounds pretty anti-Cane. Prairie View also recently redid 90,000 square feet of their facility for $60 million, let’s not act like they are the typical FCS program.

Of course without that context, that’s what his statement implies and provides built-in ammo for them.
As an aside, that's dope for Prairie View. Would've never thought "Prairie View" and "$60 million facility" would be in the same sentence.
Uuuuuum, I been away for min…Whennnnnnnnnnnn the **** did Louisville become “don’t poke the bear wake the sleeping giant” kind of school? Since when? I’m confused..
This is the problem we’ve been facing. It’s not really the perception alone but the coaches that are clout chasing.
Until we become the cool school these coaches want to vicariously live off of these kids school choices. It’s a living for them and they feel that having their players come to Miami doesn’t shine a good light on them. And they keep this bs narrative going cause some buildings and a stadium is the only thing these schools have been able to sell to them and the entire youth football landscape has been buying it.

The problem is in the dumb *** statements that make it seem like Texas and tamu are some perennial playoff teams on par with Bama. They aren’t!!
Our history while not as long as those schools is much richer despite the short period of time and recent slide.

Have a good time out there Bax