CB Tim Merritt commits to Miami

I'd smack my kid if he acted that disrespectful to another school


Can we not start any type of litigation for use of trademark or something when kids do stuff like that? Can't we say something like it harms the brand reputation or some ****? 🤔
Who curses at their own signing day? And mom is just laughing the entire time.

Well this certainly seems a like a mature young man with good upbringing who will do well in the future :confused:
That would be the most expensive mistake my kid ever made. But, of course, there is no chance my kid would even think of embarrassing himself or his family that way. Special kind of dumb and classless on display there.
Who curses at their own signing day? And mom is just laughing the entire time.

Well this certainly seems a like a mature young man with good upbringing who will do well in the future :confused:
Let's be real though... If a kid takes a FSU or Ohio St hat and does that while putting on a Miami hat we're ok with it?? Right??...
I mean you've been around long enough to know how that plays out..
Stuff like that doesn't bother me.... It goes both ways...
Let's be real though... If a kid takes a FSU or Ohio St hat and does that while putting on a Miami hat we're ok with it?? Right??...
I mean you've been around long enough to know how that plays out..
Stuff like that doesn't bother me.... It goes both ways...
Nope, there is way too much of the look at me in this society, you can choose another school while still being respectful of the other school's that recruited you. This self idolization that you see rampant in society today has not made the world a better place.
No, I’m not ok with raising Americans like this.
I'm not disagreeing... It's a bad look... My point is we have a part of the fan base that would applaud this if the shoe was on the other foot...
I guess for me it's just easier to turn the other cheek on it... No emotional investment from me...
Drama Queen Fainting GIF by Skrz.cz

The double standards are wild... When we sign him, it's wow another Mario reach on a 3 star. A Guidry special...

Now all these months later even though it's been said we were both moving on. It was a mutual move. It's he was one of our best and we couldn't ante up for him like we needed to. Good lord some of y'all. Yes we need DBS. Just mean what you say and say what you mean.