CB Demetrius Freeney commits to Miami

It’s too confusing when you have a thread about a prospect from months earlier and it’s being treated like a commitment thread. The timing is messed up, especially for people who aren’t on the board every day.

Come on @DMoney every member is on the board every day. 6.3 million posts, like and subscribe, also don't forget to shop at the link above and patronize CanesWear too...

denzel washington GIF
So just mod the title to reflect that he committed on the day he did. UPDATE: COMMITS 6/8!! Then we get the best of both worlds.

I would make the argument it’s better for casual members who don’t frequent the board often. They may not even know who the kid is and know very little of his backstory and only come on to see what the fuss is after they hear of a commitment. Leave the original thread up so they can get some history into the kid, some early evals, some comps, who else offered, where he’s from, etc. I don’t see how 10 pages of “welcome to The U!!” helps much of anything, but it’s your site. Do as you feel is in the best interest of business.
Amen, D take this advice and change the way you handle these going forward
How about this...

When a Mod/Maude shuts down one thread in favor of a "new commit" thread, is it possible to make the last post a LINK to the new thread?

Just my 2 cents.
I think d$ is the one who’s been locking them. I happened to be in that one when it was locked - I think I had the last post - but myself and the others aren’t always around for it.