Cavinder Twins

People are acting shocked that these young ladies are more than just good looking, which shows that a lot of people don't watch basketball. The Mountain West isn't some awful midmajor conference, it's a solid midmajor conference and when you look at their individual skillsets, it's a skillset that travels well. Shooters can usually shoot ANYWHERE, players with high basketball IQs can usually perform anywhere, even if they aren't the most physically impressive in regards to pure athleticism. The Cavinder sisters are quick, they aren't the strongest(Lean muscle, built like distance runners), but they can more than hold their own physically in the ACC, and they fit what Katie wants to do. They can trap, they can run.
People are acting shocked that these young ladies are more than just good looking, which shows that a lot of people don't watch basketball. The Mountain West isn't some awful midmajor conference, it's a solid midmajor conference and when you look at their individual skillsets, it's a skillset that travels well. Shooters can usually shoot ANYWHERE, players with high basketball IQs can usually perform anywhere, even if they aren't the most physically impressive in regards to pure athleticism. The Cavinder sisters are quick, they aren't the strongest(Lean muscle, built like distance runners), but they can more than hold their own physically in the ACC, and they fit what Katie wants to do. They can trap, they can run.
They’re 5’s. Don’t know why people are sweating them. Maybe combined they’re a 10.
They’re 5’s. Don’t know why people are sweating them. Maybe combined they’re a 10.
There's always this guy in any thread when an objectively attractive woman is discussed. Whether the Cavinder Twins are your individual preference(For me they aren't, I prefer women with some curvature) or not, there's no way any rational person would rate them as a 5 out of 10 on any attractiveness scale. Have you seen what the AVERAGE woman on the street looks like? By them merely being in shape and not overweight or obese, they are above average. When you combine them having well toned physiques and being athletic, that pushes them even higher. We can argue facial characteristics all day long, but even then, they would likely grade out highly.

There's a reason why guys are showing up to Miami women's games, guys that wouldn't be caught dead at a game last year. There's a reason why these young ladies are getting modeling looks from some legit places. It sure as **** isn't because they can shoot the **** out of the rock. They are above average in regards to looks, and they can ball.

We get it, you're the guy that was running around during the 90s talking about "Cindy Crawford isn't attractive, she has that mole, or her elbows are too pointy". We all have preferences, but sometimes, you have to be willing to admit that an objectively attractive woman is just that. To deny that when it's obvious doesn't make you some ultimate purveyor of the female form, it just makes you look like a try hard.
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There's always this guy in any thread when an objectively attractive woman is discussed. Whether the Cavinder Twins are your individual preference(For me they aren't, I prefer women with some curvature) or not, there's no way any rational person would rate them as a 5 out of 10 on any attractiveness scale. Have you seen what the AVERAGE woman on the street looks like? By them merely being in shape and not overweight or obese, they are above average. When you combine them having well toned physiques and being athletic, that pushes them even higher. We can argue facial characteristics all day long, but even then, they would likely grade out highly.

There's a reason why guys are showing up to Miami women's games, guys that wouldn't be caught dead at a game last year. There's a reason why these young ladies are getting modeling looks from some legit places. It sure as **** isn't because they can shoot the **** out of the rock. They are above average in regards to looks, and they can ball.

We get it, you're the guy that was running around during the 90s talking about "Cindy Crawford isn't attractive, she has that mole, or her elbows are too pointy". We all have preferences, but sometimes, you have to be willing to admit that an objectively attractive woman is just that. To deny that when it's obvious doesn't make you some ultimate purveyor of the female form, it just makes you look like a try hard.
The baseline I'm using is college girls or women that age, not paunchy soccer moms or septuagenarians. I saw them w/o makeup- the ultimate arbiter of beauty- and they have these weird, Ferengi-like forehead/brows. If they were in a room with SEC cheerleaders, they'd be rendered invisible. I agree with you it's all about personal preference, but it's also about scarcity versus abundance that determines those preferences. Judging by your White Knight comment, I can tell the former has applied to you ever since you got your first zit.
The baseline I'm using is college girls or women that age, not paunchy soccer moms or septuagenarians. I saw them w/o makeup- the ultimate arbiter of beauty- and they have these weird, Ferengi-like forehead/brows. If they were in a room with SEC cheerleaders, they'd be rendered invisible. I agree with you it's all about personal preference, but it's also about scarcity versus abundance that determines those preferences. Judging by your White Knight comment, I can tell the former has applied to you ever since you got your first zit.

So, I'm a white knight for noting that these two young ladies, even with your unrealistic expectations are above average, even if they aren't necessarily my personal preference? Yep, makes a ton of sense. Thank you for showing everyone here that you are trying a bit too hard on this one. You aren't Hef, you're likely an average guy, that is trying to front for a bunch of strangers. If the Cavinder twins came up to you and wanted to get down, you wouldn't say no, and there's a good chance they would be one of the more attractive women you've fooled around with, as they would for a significant percentage of men.

Even if we were to go by your standard, they are still above average. Why? Because anyone that has been on a college campus in the last two decades could easily tell you that even with them not having optimal facial features, they are still ahead of the curve in regards to their physiques. If you haven't noticed, the typical college coed is not in shape, and even the ones that aren't obese or overweight are now likely to be "Young Girl Skinny", because of the fact that being toned doesn't happen on the treadmill, and that's where you are mostly likely to find the few coeds that do even attempt to work out.

By the way, there are few and I mean few women out there that can pull off the no makeup look, hence why makeup exists. The SEC cheerleaders and coeds you are salivating over, a lot of them are mid when they take the makeup off.

That said, who cares? They are at Miami to play ball and they are doing that at a high level early in the season.
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Any thoughts on why they got blown out in that one game? Just a bad night or the team that knocked them off is the real deal?
I see ACCNX is showing it (2pm Miami - Columbia) for free vi ESPN channels via browse... nice second screen while watching Fins doing well (so far.)
Any thoughts on why they got blown out in that one game? Just a bad night or the team that knocked them off is the real deal?
the lady canes signed a 6'6" forward last year who was a Top 100 recruit-Holdacre. She hasn't played at all this season. Anyone know why?
slow start vs colombia, down 24-22 after 1 quarter... lotsa scoring!

halftime: colombia 42 mia 37... too much sloppy handling, defense and poor shooting, twins last shot missed by 2 feet. katie better do some serious talkin in the locker room or this one is lost

after 3/4 57-54 for the good guys (well, not guys of course)

FINAL loss 78-71... team did not look good at all, still early in season of course
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