Carnell Tate considering taking visits


That girl is alright, but that’s easily a dime a dozen in Miami, and even better of course. ****, at most of these bigger colleges actually.

Then again, maybe she’s just got some extra-special duties as “director of recruiting”? lmao
She started out as one of those student hosts or whatever they’re called at Tennessee is what I read. She was at UCF and then went with Heupel to Tennessee
lmaoooooo. don't get me wrong, if she threw it at me, she catching getting that work but I wouldn't go outta my way for her. She's more "cute" than sezually attractive if that makes sense
I see some hips behind that dress which usually but not always leads to…

Back to Tate, with his stone hands I for one think he would fit right in here
Would smash, but primos lineup for star football players in college anyway. Not sure how that chick is changing minds
I would say Tennessee's director of recruiting is certainly an attractive young woman, and I hope they are not pimping her out over there, but I also hope some folks on this board aren't anywhere near HR management. I know most of this is "thought experiment" level banter, but there's a difference between a chic hanging out alone at a bar and somebody punching a clock trying to put food in the fridge.
Having said that, I would tend to agree about the aesthetic superiority of South Florida genetics.
Great for Ohio and Tennessee. South Florida is unimpressed respectfully. I’m sure she’s a nice person
See I don’t disagree with everyone saying Sourh Florida is on another level. I know my dudes, I was raised in the Cutler Ridge area. I just like that natural look she has bro,.. a simple beauty is the best for me, with the least amount of makeup. 🤙🤙