CanesInSight Q and A

How many wide receivers are we looking to take this cycle? If we miss out on our number ones remaining any chance we circle back to jose leon ? Really like that kid

We know a lot hinges on this upcoming season and especially the offensive production/improvement.

Which players currently committed do you think are most likely to decommit if we don't show the progress/improvement we're all hoping for.
On the current roster, who will be able to take on double teams, do the dirty work and hold the point at the DT spot? Seems like Moten might be one possibility but I see nobody else. Could JHH grow into that role? Or does Guidrys scheme just attack gaps and not use that type of player?
Who is Titan_Cane on twitter?
This is kind of a follow up to Yoyo’s question above regarding potential decomms if we sh*t the bed this season. Don’t object as compound or speculative, counselor D.

DMoney, if Innis had been a 2022 recruit, is he a Cane? In other words, how much of a turnoff was the 2022 offensive performance? Any other prior recruits that didn’t sign with us in this boat? If so, who?

And for the love of god, who is Brooklyndee?
Outside of bringing in certain type of players, what changes has Mario done with the players to make this team closer and working together to achieve its goal to win?

A topic that doesn't get enough attention.