Absolutely agree on Cam.Phillips and Couch were massive for us, Nesta and Gil played with heart too
Start Knighton and Chaney over Cam he dont want it anymore
Calm down, dude.To all you you snowflake pitiful foulmouthed fans including mods who throw Fbombs, take that. Canes WON, despite you jerks not wanting them to.
Fûck you, you soft fûck. Dont start shît and then cry like a pussoir when it comes back to youAgain snowflake, child.
Yeah. Cam seems disinterested. I wonder if this is what happened to him his senior year of HS. Kid was all world Jr year then nothing his senior year.Absolutely agree on Cam.
If this was the prize I gotta believe they would have played a little harder but even getting a BJ from this gem would be worth winning..THE END
Bet ones set up in the locker room7-1. Get the slip n slide