Canes vs UNC 10/14

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Lol...we can't do anything turnover already
It’s like everybody that comes to this program all of a sudden has mush for brains, forgets every single fundamental, and plays Russian roulette with their feet (1/6 chance of shooting it so it happens often)
Put me in the camp that says Mario and/or UM had words with the ACC administrators this past week. They're calling everything obvious on UNC.

As I stated earlier this week, the no calls are usually how the ACC cheats for their favorite sons. That has not been happening thus far.

And we’re still gunna lose
A pee wee football team holds on to the ball better. Wrap two arms around the **** ball.
Probably one of many plays we will point to when we talk about what could have been post-game. Same sh…it as always
Did I? Glad u knew what I was thinking. Good work. Maybe it was a sarcastic comment like of course that happens to Miami...but u know me better than I do so well go with you on this one
Your post, words matter fella. "Ball going right into DP hands and JW comes over and tips it lol" So yeah we know what was in your mind cause you POSTED it dummy.
Maybe it’s just me but we are at the 1 we have this guy named Don Chaney who’s a litttleeee more built to go into the goal line…

MISSED opportunity but at least we can move the ball, settle down and we should be okay.
We went hurry up. Was the right call after gashing them. Rb just got to do their job
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