Canes vs UNC 10/14

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Marcus Freeman and Al Golden have Notre Dame, which doesn’t offer jack **** in NIL compared to Miami, looking like a top 5 team. Life is cruel.
TVD should be benched but Mario doesn't have guts to do it. TVD can't see the field at all. He can't move. If they don't bring in a great QB next year this team is in for another horrible year
First time checking in since last week. Miami is cursed with a dumbass for a head coach. Mario knew DT was a issue and brought in two undersized DTs in the portal. Looks like they are getting ran straight thru. Time to give it up guys. I personally don’t ever see Miami getting back to anything worth a ****.
People need to ******* relax. UNC is at home 5-0 and supposedly has a top 3 draft pick at QB.
We didn’t take advantage of opportunities and turned the ball over. Last weeks black eye makes this a lot worse.
What I read was "Relaxed, we suck"
Dawson is a fraud as well.

That 4th down call is a perfect example of it, although there's been many prior.

Too many players to the same space. All three receivers ran a route into the center of the field, same space. TVD threw it to the wrong guy, Horton is who he should've gone to.

He's had multiple routes line that in different spots on the field. It's idiotic coaching to say the least.
Yes all routes curling in where the zones are

Lmfao we needed what 8 yards and their running 15yards

Where’s your outlet?! Where are the TEs?!
Max protect on fourth and ten lol
Dude TVD missed a wide open guy. Stop.

Complete collapse-

We have some good young talent but, not nearly enough-

If we end up with 8 wins I’ll take it after last year -

Anything less it’s a reflection on Mario and his staff.

Mack still owns us -5 straight losses to UNC unbelievable-

Can’t wait for the basketball season it’s a better product than Miami football-

Better coaching with Coach L-

Mario good recruiter -His game day abilities are abysmal -
Still have FSU Clemson and Louisville so could easily be 7-5
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