Canes vs Pitt

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If you're upset that we won, it's time for introspection. The fate of Snake James is sealed.

But to the bigger picture, we may get to keep @IndayArtHauz around.

2000% OK if Diaz survives to the end of the season but James gets fired. As I said before, Diaz is just a symptom of a much larger problem. I don't want James making any more hiring decisions.

Clempsun only scored 17 on that D and gave up just one less TD. Not sure what any of that means.
Don't care what anyone says man. I've been a fan for over 22 years since I was old enough to follow sports...I refuse to root for these guys to ever lose a game. Especially with all the young kids playing now. They deserve these wins. Love it!!
Literally signed in, after not signing in for months. Because this is how we should always feel. Still hope Manny gets fired, but these kids deserve these wins.
Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF
Vhs Hacking GIF
Well good win boys. But gosh darn Manny gets one more year YUCK another year of canes football with no chance to win the coastal
both guys were wide open , Harley was behind the defense because they all came down to Rambo. it was an unreal play , actually an amazing play. Harley cleared out the zone defender, running the post, tvd rolled the pocket , reset his eyes and saw Harley wide open on the post. Beautiful , veteran play
The first guy fell. Fine. I'll watch it again, but that's not what I saw on live watch. Looked like a loose lob across the field late in the play. We'll see what the replay shows. If you have it, please link it. I can't find it.
Of course. As fans we can hate on Manny. As players and part of what needs to be a unified team, yes, the players need to be supporting their coach. I think Manny has done a poor job, but I'd be worried about players that DIDN'T celebrate with their coach on a big win like that.
GIF by Zack Kantor
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