Canes vs GT

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I just got the game to stream via this app.

I know we were up 14-0, & now it’s 14 all. Running QBs is by far our Achille’s heel b/c of our undisciplined line play, and lack of LBs.
FG clown show on defense!!!! Flagg doesn't even move from his position until the ball carrier runs past him. That is the worst LB play I've ever seen. Didn't even guess. Just stared in the backfield completely clueless as to where the ball was.

I've said it 100 times. #11 needs to sit!!! PERIOD!!!
Lane please save us
Man, I'd be happy with keeping Lashlee and letting him hire a D guru. I can't stand this crap D another second. Not one more second. Get this D into the dumpster and replace it with anything not run by D'Onofrio or Diaz.
We should be running away with this game. We should be up by 2-3 scored and that horrible GT QB would be forced to throw every down. Those fumbled slowed the game way down
Personal attacks
Do you honestly think that he’s going to see this in this massive game thread without a @?
Hey clown,

He has in the past to my YES

And I'm sure he'll
A. Delete the post
B. Attack me personally where there is no penalty for a mod
C. Ignore the truth and post nonsense later

Dumb questions....dumb responses

Thanks Mod
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