Canes vs Cavaliers

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Duke going off on Folden. Duke is gone and I don't blame him. He knows this coaching staff sucks.

#brickbybrick #trusttheprocess #pillars #wegottogetbetteranditstartswithme
horrible play call on that 4th down. Why go to the right side of the O line, they've been getting handled all game.
I like corley.......get him Michel and cook and Rudolph and he would look like a genius. Oh and Cooper and Collins and uhhh the rest of sfla elites that leave.
Everybody doesn't want to come to the U.

U do realize that right?

For everyone that stays home there will always be one who leaves.

We were built being underdogs not favorites

Tell Butch that

I don't want to hear this dumb under dog **** we had better players
Prove it. Quitbrunnin ya m lii uth n ft et data

Check the nfl what but hs guys did they were better players, check jimbos kids in the league they r better players. U recruit the best players u win. This isn't 1920, when Bama hired Saban they said yea u got the best coach. People said no u have the best recruiter, the only team. Ever knew would compete with Bama was Fsu cuz the way they started recruiting when Jimbo took over. U could tell Fsu was going to win a title eventually.
Tell me about Miami man. Get any hard evidence to support your point

Pro players get pro coaching quit using a crutch of NFL U
Blake James is too busy lining up to suck Goldens cack to prepare any pink slips. Lame fvck AD.
I hope to wake up tomorrow to news Golden has been can dream, right?

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