Canes v. Wisky

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Never saw an O this bad under Golden. A Golden/Diaz tandem would have us in a better place right now, that's how bad Richt is
The O would be better on its own without Richt the pudding ******* having anything to do with it. They’d win if he got out of their way.

I think we can all say that the real winner today is feagles. He had enough sense to walk away from this ****show instead of sitting in the freezing cold wondering when perry is gonna pipe his girl.
The sooner we realize Richt will do whatever he wants, the less we suffer.

Rosier will probably come back out. We still run every down. Plays working for 30yrs lol

I blame James Coley for recruiting Rosier.

Imagine walking in to that living room and seeing that ugly, Downs Syndrome looking, dopey *** face staring back at you..... how do you recruit that? I’d like to think I would just heel turn and get the **** out before even saying a word.

But I might have just punched him in the face out of pure instinct. Kind of like how animals kill other animals that are retarded. It’s nature.
I think we can all say that the real winner today is feagles. He had enough sense to walk away from this ****show instead of sitting in the freezing cold wondering when perry is gonna pipe his girl.
I would say everyone wins in this scenario.
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