Canes v. UNC

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I know we are playing like *** and it's the teams fault they are getting killed...

What's the over under on when refs call 1st penalty against UNC?
Told y'all UNC backs are much better than ours. Cam wouldn't sniff the field at UNC woulda hot the portal by now. We always overrate our kids. When is it going to stop?
Harris shouldn't sniff the field at Miami either. He's clearly the third, possibly the fourth, best back on the roster.
But 15 is ready for the league
Athletically yes. It’s coaching and or he is not playing how he’s being coached. All ******* game he’s shooting up foeld and UNC is taking him out of the equation. You’d think after the first 2 long runs right over his spot he would start holding the line! Nope looking to dance.
I'd rather watch a Spurtle or Irish Potato Peeler commercial on endless loop than what I'm seeing so far from this game.
And to think people were posting on here how they couldn't understand how UNC was ranked.
It’s playcalling not the d ends. If you stunt or go wide 9 you’re gonna create your own holes.

It's part play calling, it's part execution.

When you are UNBLOCKED at DE, you can't run the fastest you can upfield. You have to know you're being set up either with a zone read or trap.

You follow the tackle down the line and split the distance between the line and ball carrier to keep contain.
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