Canes v. Noles

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What did people expect when we hired UGAs rotten garbage and the heaping pile of **** Texas kicked to the curb????

Seriously what the fvck did you THINK waa gonna happen.
Hope Richt realizes this isn't georgia. He won't have 15 years. He's one foot out if he loses to one of the worst noles team in history. SAMFORD was kicking their ***.

LOL, he's not going anywhere until he wants to.
Just a knee jerk reaction. How about we block better. Give up a strip sack resulting in a touchdown.
How about lighting a fire under the special teams ***. Our special teams are atrocious. Holding on every punt and kickoff. Literally watching 3 guys on punt coverage jogging down on coverage where FSU ran it back 45 yards. Our punters are terrible. We giving up massive hidden yards on special teams.

Take away special teams, the strip sack, and the Richt end of half bad decision and it's a 7-7 game. Should be 10-7 at worse.

Thus far N'Kosi is responsible for a small part of the blame. What do you expect for a freshman in his 1st rivalry game where his lineman aren't blocking well? Clearly Perry has sped up his clock. He needs to calm down at the half and get into a rhythm in the 3rd quarter.

The defense needs to get a stop in the 1st drive of the 3rd quarter. If they give up a score, a 3 score lead may be too much to overcome.

I respect your opinion but this game is on CMR and only CMR this is his team from top to bottom the team takes on the personality of the coach (bata) that's why we getting out a$$ beat.
Good to see Michael Jackson with a nice game finally, Playing well tonight.
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