Canes v. Noles

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Richt is as bad as Randy and Golden.

Owned in big games, mediocre recruiter, terrible staff.

Again, this game is there to still be wo but there are some real big picture things that worry me about this staff/program. And I'll just leave it at that

All I can do is root, root, root for the Hurricanes
I agree with this whole heartly but most of the concerns IMO have to due to with OL and and a young QB. I truly feel we might be down 3 right now with Rosier (and that is why Richt didnt want to play Perry ) but it is future vs present and when you make the QB move you are saying the future is more important. I know people dont want to hear that but simply Perry has no experience and you only get it thru getting it . Just look at all his short arming things. It is jitters. The right QBs usually play as we dont see pratice like that but everyone wanted to act like Perry was the savior and Rosier was garbage and neither was true.
No energy at all. Period. Maybe they wasted it all during the pregame scuffle. This game reminds me of Shannon’s last FSU game. 45-17 Noles. Canes had zero emotion, no urgency.

We have energy, just wasted energy though...Focused on talking **** instead of dominating on the field
Perry is doing a spot impression of Don Knotts in The Shakiest Gun in the West!

Sadly, from the first snap to the last snap of the half the kid's eyes look like saucers and it appears he would like to be anywhere else than on that field.
Man it’s not Perry fault. The ol getting beat, the DB’s getting beat, & the play calling is horrible. Perry hasn’t played bad at all
You can not continue to play Perry. He can not make basic plays. You can see it on his face. He is in over his head.

This is an absolute disaster. All these recruits there watching Miami look like **** .
I thought he was the savior according to everyone and rosier couldn't make a basic play, now yall ragging on I'm drunk watching this **** show
The stage may be a little too big for Perry.

I hope the second half looks 180 degrees different.
It doesn’t matter WHO coaches this team, it’s ALWAYS the SOS! Richt is far past his prime, but I have to wonder if we just don’t get the kind of players that are good enough to win anything.

No one wants to hear that. No one wants to hear that Alabama and Clemson and Ohio State are dominating college football without have 80% of their roster come from south Florida.
hahaha you didn't watch many Golden coached games did you? UVA 2014, GT 2014, FSU 2013, ND 2013..... I could keep going but what's the point.

We've played this badly before in a half. It's not like this is something new.

Half the teams you listed were really really good (FSU and ND 2012). This is the worst FSU team I've seen in the last 20 years, and they're coming into our house dictating whatever they want.
We will not be a dominate program with this coaching staff, Richt just doesn't have the killer mentality

Huh, that's interesting, I said that after the UNC game last week and got skewered for it...
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