Canes v Michigan State

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King Fumble. Harley drop. Stevenson drop.

these are our "best guys".
what can you expect from the rest.

....what a god awful display from this
The slant should have been caught, but King missed 5 get off the line clean with no deep help. The football iq on this team is in the negative.
They made adjustments already, in the 1st quarter!! We’re getting to their QB, so now they’re throwing quick passes. Our OL sucks a**, but we keep King in the pocket….
What game y'all flipping to during the commercials?

I'm watching Indiana-Cincinnati

Like IU's staff. Team plays hard and coaches seem to get a lot out of whatever talent they do have
Michigan State May be realizing they don’t have to be so conservative on offense and just have to use our lack of discipline and poor gap integrity against us with counters, misdirection, and quick throws.
It’s interesting watching them adjust on this drive, whereas we’re unable to adjust… ever
The offensive execution is trash and hasn’t shown any signs of getting better. We’re Miami and we should be throwing the ball down the field to our skill players. There doesn’t seem to be a rhythm or consistency between play calling and QB.
If he doesn't play against Central Conn, he's gone for sure. Makes no sense not to play him.
Fuqin stupid administration hiring this fuqin guy. Fooled the fans like dumb azzes they are they deserve it. ****es me tf off that fans accepted this ****. I'm so fuqin angry rt now
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